compatibility issue with Archive::Zip::Member v1.30?

Edward Prendergast edward.prendergast at
Wed Oct 6 11:34:33 IST 2010

  I tried modifying as follows in a test environment for 

         $name =~ /^(.*)$/;
         chmod ($self->unixFileAttributes(), $1)
             or return _error("Can't chmod() ${1}: $!");

But I'm still seeing taint errors:
Insecure dependency in chmod while running with -T switch at 
/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.12.2/Archive/Zip/ line 491.

I guess this means $self->unixFileAttributes() is returning something 
tainted, rather than $name being the tainted variable?


On 06/10/2010 10:47, Edward Prendergast wrote:
>  Hi,
> I'm seeing MailScanner 4.81.4 return "MailScanner: Message attempted 
> to kill MailScanner" every time it tries to process an .xlsx file 
> (Microsoft Excel 2010's format). IIRC the format is a zip container 
> with the actual Excel data inside it.
> When I run MailScanner in debug mode and send one of these files 
> through I get the error message:
> Insecure dependency in chmod while running with -T switch at 
> /opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.12.2/Archive/Zip/ line 490.
> That line in (v1.30) says:
> chmod ($self->unixFileAttributes(), $name)
> My guess is that $name is being passed down, hasn't been checked 
> anywhere and so is causing a taint issue.
> Should I just do a local rebuild of this module that does $name =~ 
> /.*/ to fix this issue for now and then submit it as a patch back to 
> the vendor? Just modifying the code like this doesn't seem like a 
> great long term solution though as it could be a security risk?
> Thanks,
> Edward
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