Fwd: [Clamav-announce] announcing ClamAV 0.96.5

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org
Tue Nov 30 14:28:55 GMT 2010

 Dear ClamAV users,

 ClamAV 0.96.5 includes bugfixes and minor feature enhancements, such as
 improved handling of detection statistics, better file logging,
 and support for custom database URLs in freshclam. Please refer to the
 ChangeLog for details.

 Download : http://downloads.sourceforge.net/clamav/clamav-0.96.5.tar.gz
 PGP sig  : 
 Bugfixes : http://www.clamav.net/release-info/bugs/0.96.5
 ChangeLog: http://www.clamav.net/release-info/changelog/0.96.5

 The ClamAV team (http://www.clamav.net/team)

 Luca Gibelli (luca _at_ clamav.net)       ClamAV, a GPL anti-virus 
 [Tel] +39 0187 1851862 [Fax] +39 0187 1852252 [IM] 
 PGP key id 5EFC5582 @ any key-server || 

 hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org   http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
 PGP/GPG? Use: http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/0x58F19981.asc

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