Mail Servers (OT)

Scott Silva ssilva at
Thu May 13 00:12:21 IST 2010

on 5-12-2010 11:14 AM Ghetti, Ron spake the following:
> thanks for the reply Ken, 
> yep, I've been through that section a couple of times, believe me.
> it looks like the firewall is doing the connection dropping, only on emails with attachments
> from comcast servers and randomly at that, many of them get through fine.
> we are running a sonicwall 4100 with built-in virus/malware scanning.
> our system is processing about 5k messages per day and it's all running 
> pretty smoothly with this one exception that has shown up in the past couple weeks.
> -Ron
> ________________________________
> From: mailscanner-bounces at on behalf of Ken A
> Sent: Wed 5/12/2010 9:12 AM
> To: mailscanner at
> Subject: Re: Mail Servers (OT)
> Some troubleshooting is in order.
> Ken
> On 5/11/2010 4:31 PM, Ghetti, Ron wrote:
>> ok, slightly off topic but our mail server is suffering
>> transferis interuptis only with comcast servers over the past few weeks.
>> running postfix  + mailscanner on ubuntu linux
>> reasonably current on everything, this is something that just started,
>> appears to possibly be my firewall doing the interupting but I'm not convinced.
>> my logs say lost connection after Data.
>> I know this is pretty general but wondering if anyone has run into something similar ?
>> much thanks
>> -Ron
Could your sonicwall be delaying the messages long enough for postfix to time
out and drop the connections?

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