I'm confused about my bayes expiration steps

Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Tue Mar 23 20:05:12 GMT 2010

One of those tests that I never run unless there's a problem is the 
SpamAssassin Bayes Database Info from withing MailWatch. So I ran it 
today just for the heck of it. All of my data seems to indicate nothing 
has happened since around May, 2008.

Looking at my files in /etc/MailScanner/bayes shows the files are being 
updated properly.

But the bayes_seen file is getting a little large. So going through the 
MS.conf file, I find I rebuild bayes once a day. I look in my 
spam.assassin.prefs.conf file and a comment say I expire by a cron job. 
I can't find the cron job to see if it's working.

So I see a few problems:

MW isn't pointing to a proper set of bayes files.
MS must not be set up right to either rebuild or expire my bayes files.
I must not have moved something for that cron file to exist.

I'm running version 4.75.11. Everything seems to run OK, but I got a 
feeling I'm going to hit a bump in the road on that bayes_seen file one 

Any thoughts, anyone?


steve campbell

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