10 years of MailScanner

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 08:38:40 GMT 2010

On 15 March 2010 22:01, Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com> wrote:
> on 3-12-2010 1:02 PM Scott Silva spake the following:
>> on 3-12-2010 3:53 AM Julian Field spake the following:
>>> MailScanner is just about to reach its 10th anniversary.
>>> Yes, believe it or not, I took on this crazy idea 10 years ago! How time
>>> flies.
>>> We are planning a big news release and celebration here at work to
>>> commemorate this.
>>> What I need from you guys are some comments and "sound bites" saying
>>> what you think of MailScanner, what  you like about it, why you use it.
>>> I'm looking for a real variety of comments from all over the world, East
>>> and West, big sites and small, so if you've got something to say then I
>>> want to hear it!
>>> So get commenting folks!
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Jules
>> Happy Anniversary! Here are some sound bytes!!!
>> MailScanner... The best thing since sliced bread!!
>> MailScanner... Just like deodorant, you wish EVERYONE was using it!
>> MailScanner... Keeping sysadmins hair intact for a decade!
>> MailScanner... If only my car was this reliable!
> Just dug back in the archive and my first post here was May 17, 2004!  Wow...
> How time flies!!!
Well, this had me thinking... So I just had to do the same:-). I used
MailScanner for approximately a year before hitting a bug I couldn't
fix myself (the imfamous inode reuse problem, endemic to Postfix:-).
First post (to the MW list, then a week or so later to this list) was
early november 2004. So the pensioners, all unknowing, have been
benefiting (if there is such a word:-) for at least 7 years.

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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