Script in email

Kevin Miller Kevin_Miller at
Wed Jun 23 22:19:58 IST 2010

Jules Field wrote:

>> What perl modules are responsible for that?  For example, in the
>> optional modules section of "MailScaner -v" I don't have
>> Encode::Detect.  So I'm thinking maybe it's an optional module and
>> the script disarm parameter is just being ignored?   
> As long as you've HTML::Parser you should get this feature. It's all
> part of the HTML disarming code that I wrote. 

Weird.  HTML::Parser is there.  But these are Outlook messages coming in. Would it be affected by the missing Convert::TNEF?

mxg:/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine # MailScanner -v
Running on
Linux mxg #1 SMP Fri May 28 12:10:21 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
This is SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)
This is Perl version 5.008008 (5.8.8)

This is MailScanner version 4.78.17
Module versions are:
1.00    AnyDBM_File
1.16    Archive::Zip
0.23    bignum
1.04    Carp
1.41    Compress::Zlib
1.119   Convert::BinHex
missing Convert::TNEF
2.121_08        Data::Dumper
2.27    Date::Parse
1.00    DirHandle
1.05    Fcntl
2.74    File::Basename
2.09    File::Copy
2.01    FileHandle
1.08    File::Path
0.20    File::Temp
0.90    Filesys::Df
1.35    HTML::Entities
3.56    HTML::Parser
2.37    HTML::TokeParser
1.23    IO
1.14    IO::File
1.13    IO::Pipe
2.04    Mail::Header
1.89    Math::BigInt
0.22    Math::BigRat
3.07    MIME::Base64
5.427   MIME::Decoder
5.427   MIME::Decoder::UU
5.427   MIME::Head
5.427   MIME::Parser
3.07    MIME::QuotedPrint
5.427   MIME::Tools
0.13    Net::CIDR
1.25    Net::IP
0.16    OLE::Storage_Lite
1.04    Pod::Escapes
3.05    Pod::Simple
1.09    POSIX
1.19    Scalar::Util
1.78    Socket
2.16    Storable
1.4     Sys::Hostname::Long
0.27    Sys::Syslog
1.26    Test::Pod
0.86    Test::Simple
1.9707  Time::HiRes
1.02    Time::localtime

Optional module versions are:
1.29    Archive::Tar
0.23    bignum
1.82    Business::ISBN
1.10    Business::ISBN::Data
1.08    Data::Dump
1.814   DB_File
1.25    DBD::SQLite
1.607   DBI
1.15    Digest
1.01    Digest::HMAC
2.36    Digest::MD5
2.11    Digest::SHA1
missing Encode::Detect
0.17008 Error
0.18    ExtUtils::CBuilder
2.18    ExtUtils::ParseXS
2.38    Getopt::Long
0.44    Inline
1.08    IO::String
1.04    IO::Zlib
2.21    IP::Country
missing Mail::ClamAV
3.002005        Mail::SpamAssassin
v2.004  Mail::SPF
1.999001        Mail::SPF::Query
0.2808  Module::Build
0.20    Net::CIDR::Lite
0.65    Net::DNS
0.002.2 Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable
0.33    Net::LDAP
 4.004  NetAddr::IP
1.94    Parse::RecDescent
missing SAVI
2.64    Test::Harness
0.95    Test::Manifest
1.98    Text::Balanced
1.35    URI
0.7203  version
0.62    YAML

Kevin Miller                Registered Linux User No: 307357
CBJ MIS Dept.               Network Systems Admin., Mail Admin.
155 South Seward Street     ph: (907) 586-0242
Juneau, Alaska 99801        fax: (907 586-4500

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