No longer getting any emails through MailScanner...

Alex Neuman alex at
Fri Jun 18 21:28:20 IST 2010

Specially because it depends on components that change/improve/disappear over time. Changes to Clam, SA, RBL's and such can break a neglected system. 

Alex Neuman
BBM 20EA17C5
+507 6781-9505
Skype:alex at

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Silva <ssilva at>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:21:09 
To: <mailscanner at>
Subject: Re: No longer getting any emails through MailScanner...

on 6-17-2010 7:04 PM Clay Goss spake the following:
> Alex,
> Thank you for the response.  Please excuse my rust at the admin of Linux and
> associated processes as I built this system years ago and, for good or
> perhaps bad, it has not required much attention.
If you want a robust system, MailScanner is not maintenance free. You have to
keep up with it. It is not hard, but needs a bit of touch up now and again.

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