
Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Mon Jun 14 20:24:33 IST 2010

on 6-12-2010 3:42 PM Steve Freegard spake the following:
> With:
> Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = No
> Quarantine Whole Message = Yes
> and a message which causes MailScanner to crash and the Processing
> Attempts database causes the message to be quarantined - then the
> resulting 'message' file in the quarantine directory is missing the
> headers (e.g. corrupt) and cannot therefore be released.
> This is on MailScanner 4.77.10; can someone verify that this is still a
> problem on the current version?  I don't see anything in the change log
> that would indicate this was reported or fixed in a newer version.
> Cheers,
> Steve.
I haven't see this, but I'm using sendmail, if that makes a difference.

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