log spam

Marc Lucke marc at marcsnet.com
Fri Jun 11 13:29:52 IST 2010

and now everything becomes clear!  Very clever.  So in fact all I would 
need to have done was to have returned "store forward <email address>" 
and that would have done what I wanted.

I was looking for a way to combine milter-greylist with fail2ban - i.e. 
send me spam and you get banned for 4 hours (in my example) instead of 
told do go away for 5 minutes.  I've decied to turn milter-greylist off 
altogether and use fail2ban on a "you abuse me, I block you" basis 
rather than assume everyone's the enemy to begin with.  milter-greylist 
has the lag, but too (lol) it was pretty successful and I like some good 
and varied spam samples to feed to SA.

fail2ban is a poor name.  So far it hasn't failed to ban anything (boom 
boom) :)

Julian Field wrote:
> In addition to what John told you, you can't use Custom Functions like 
> this. A Custom Function takes the message object as its parameter, and 
> returns a string (or number) giving the value you want for this 
> MailScanner.conf setting for this message. So in "Spam Actions =", a 
> Custom Function could return something like "store forward 
> wibble at foobar.com". Of course a Custom Function can have side effects 
> such as extra logging, but fundamentally it is just a way to calculate 
> the value of a MailScanner.conf setting programmatically. It isn't an 
> additional Spam Action, which is what you are trying to do with it.
> It's all a whole lot simpler than you are imagining.
> Jules.
> On 11/06/2010 07:50, Marc Lucke wrote:
>> /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
>> Spam Actions = &logspam store forward <email address>
>> /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomConfig.pm
>> sub Initlogspam {};
>> sub Endlogspam {};
>> sub logspam {
>>  my($message) = @_;
>>  MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("MailScanner: spam: ".$message->{clientip});
>> };
>> this doesn't work.  Complains about @  If I put &logspam at the end, 
>> it gets ignored.
>> I want to log the ip address of the person sending me spam, store the 
>> message and then forward it to my spam box.  Can I have my cake and 
>> eat it to?  If so, how?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Marc
> Jules

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