log spam

Marc Lucke marc at marcsnet.com
Fri Jun 11 08:51:42 IST 2010

for anyone interested who uses fail2ban:

# cat filter.d/spam.conf
failregex = Message .* from <HOST> .* is spam
ignoreregex =
# tail -n 8 jail.conf
enabled = true
filter = spam
maxretry = 1
bantime  = 3600
action = iptables-multiport[name=spam port="smtp", protocol=tcp]
           sendmail-whois[name=spam, dest=root, sender=root]
logpath = /var/log/maillog

works a treat :)  Thanks John!  I was getting too complicated.

Marc Lucke wrote:
> is that all - lol - I'll have  look.  Whoops :)
> John Wilcock wrote:
>> Le 11/06/2010 08:50, Marc Lucke a écrit :
>>> I want to log the ip address of the person sending me spam, store the
>>> message and then forward it to my spam box.  Can I have my cake and eat
>>> it to?  If so, how?
>> If all you need to log is the IP address, what's wrong with 
>> MailScanner's built-in logging functions?
>> Log Spam = yes
>> John.

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