How to singularly scan an email?

Chris Barber chris at
Wed Jul 14 15:33:20 IST 2010

>Hello Everyone,
>How do you single out an email to be scanned? I will explain.
>In my mail server, there are many domains. Every domain except one is exempted from spamassassin. I did this in spam.whitelist.rules:
>To: * yes # don't scan this one through spamassassin
>However, there is one email inside of that I want scanned in spamassassin. So, I added this to the same file:
>To: user at no # but scan this one through spamassassin.
>Did I do this right? Is this effectively going to scan emails going to user at, but not for any other in Thank you.

You have the right idea. The rules file will go down the list until it hits the first matching rule. So make sure your "To: user at no" line is above the "To: * yes" line in the spam.whitelist.rules file.


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