KAM.cf and rescoring

Randal, Phil prandal at herefordshire.gov.uk
Tue Jul 6 14:15:13 IST 2010

I do it by adding a new score into my mailscanner.cf file.

I've scored KAM_MXURI down to zero as there are way too many false
positives for it to be useful in this environment.


Phil Randal | Networks Engineer
NHS Herefordshire & Herefordshire Council  | Deputy Chief Executive's
Office | I.C.T. Services Division
Thorn Office Centre, Rotherwas, Hereford, HR2 6JT
Tel: 01432 260160
email: prandal at herefordshire.gov.uk

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-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info
[mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Brad
Sent: 06 July 2010 13:52
To: mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info
Subject: OT: KAM.cf and rescoring

I've been using KAM.cf for awhile and it's doing a wonderful job, but I
now have a need to rescore the KAM_MX3 ruleset.

What should I name the new .cf file so that it overrides the KAM score?


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