FW: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.3.0 available

Julian Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Jan 27 12:14:27 GMT 2010

I have updated my ClamAV+SpamAssassin package to SpamAssassin 3.3.0.

I have added all the new requirements to it, of which there are quite a 
few (requirements have their own requirements, etc...). I have also 
improved the installation script a bit for you too.

Please do download it from here:


and try it out for me!

Cheers folks,

On 26/01/2010 16:35, Randal, Phil wrote:
> FYI.
> Please note the changed perl module dependencies.
> Cheers,
> Phil
> --
> Phil Randal | Networks Engineer
> NHS Herefordshire&  Herefordshire Council  | Deputy Chief Executive's
> Office | I.C.T. Services Division
> Thorn Office Centre, Rotherwas, Hereford, HR2 6JT
> Tel: 01432 260160
> email: prandal at herefordshire.gov.uk
> Any opinion expressed in this e-mail or any attached files are those of
> the individual and not necessarily those of Herefordshire Council.
> This e-mail and any attached files are confidential and intended solely
> for the use of the addressee. This communication may contain material
> protected by law from being passed on. If you are not the intended
> recipient and have received this e-mail in error, you are advised that
> any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail
> is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error please
> contact the sender immediately and destroy all copies of it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Warren Togami [mailto:wtogami at redhat.com]
> Sent: 26 January 2010 16:33
> To: SpamAssassin Users List
> Subject: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.3.0 available
> Release Notes -- Apache SpamAssassin -- Version 3.3.0
> Introduction
> ------------
> This is a major release, incorporating enhancements and bug fixes that
> have accumulated in a year and a half of development since the 3.2.5
> release.
> Apart from some new or changed dependencies on perl modules, this
> version is compatible to large extent with existing installations, so
> the upgrade is not expected to be problematic (neither is downgrading,
> if need arises).
> Please consult the list of known incompatibilities below before
> upgrading.
> Downloading and availability
> ----------------------------
> Downloads are available from:
> http://spamassassin.apache.org/downloads.cgi
> md5sum of archive files:
>    15af629a95108bf245ab600d78ae754b  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0.tar.bz2
>    38078b07396c0ab92b46386bc70ef086  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0.tar.gz
>    e66856085ca14947146d57a40a51beaa  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0.zip
>    5be313a60c27ae522700e20b557ade33
> Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-3.3.0.r901671.tgz
> sha1sum of archive files:
>    209a97102e2c0568f6ae8151e5a55cd949317b69
> Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0.tar.bz2
>    35ff5ab33dd83bf8e3a63bd1540d819ab35117d5
> Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0.tar.gz
>    d1c61c67c806054c4404a854fc113a1a3c3e71c7  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.0.zip
>    04ac1d5d02a69f382909b01a4426a048a1e69278
> Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-3.3.0.r901671.tgz
> Note that the *-rules-*.tgz files are only necessary if you cannot, or
> do not wish to, run "sa-update" after install to download the latest
> fresh rules.
> The release files also have a .asc accompanying them.  The file serves
> as an external GPG signature for the given release file.  The signing
> key is available via the wwwkeys.pgp.net key server, as well as
> http://www.apache.org/dist/spamassassin/KEYS
> The key information is:
> pub   4096R/F7D39814 2009-12-02
>        Key fingerprint = D809 9BC7 9E17 D7E4 9BC2  1E31 FDE5 2F40 F7D3
> 9814
> uid                  SpamAssassin Project Management Committee
> <private at spamassassin.apache.org>
> uid                  SpamAssassin Signing Key (Code Signing Key,
> replacement for 1024D/265FA05B)<dev at spamassassin.apache.org>
> sub   4096R/7B3265A5 2009-12-02
> See the INSTALL and UPGRADE files in the distribution for important
> installation notes.
> Summary of major changes since 3.2.5
> ------------------------------------
> - rules are no longer distributed with the package, but installed by
>    sa-update - either automatically fetched from the network (preferably)
>    or from a tar archive, which is available for downloading separately
>    (see below, section INSTALLING RULES);
> - CPAN module requirements:
>    - minimum required version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker is 6.17;
>    - modules now required: Time::HiRes, NetAddr::IP (4.000 or later),
>      Archive::Tar (1.23 or later), IO::Zlib;
>    - minimal version of Mail::DKIM is 0.31 (preferred: 0.37 or later);
>      expect some tests in t/dkim2.t to fail with versions older than
> 0.36_5;
>    - no longer used: Mail::DomainKeys, Mail::SPF::Query;
>    - either Digest::SHA or the older Digest::SHA1 is required, though
>      note that the DKIM plugin requires Digest::SHA for sha256 hashes
>      and Razor agents still need Digest::SHA1;
>    - some IPv6 functionality requires IO::Socket::INET6;
> - if keeping the AWL database in SQL, the field awl.ip must be extended
> to
>    40 characters. The change is necessary to allow AWL to keep track of
> IPv6
>    addresses which may appear in a mail header even on non-IPv6 -enabled
> host.
>    While at it, consider also adding a field 'signedby' to the SQL table
> 'awl'
>    (and adding 'auto_whitelist_distinguish_signed 1' to local.cf);
>    see sql/README.awl for details. The change need not be undone even if
>    downgrading back to 3.2.* for some reason;
> - fixing a protocol implementation error regarding a PING command
> required
>    bumping up the SPAMC protocol version to 1.5.  Spamd retains
> compatibility
>    with older spamc clients. Combining new spamc clients with pre-3.3
> versions
>    of a spamd daemon is not supported (but happens to work, except for
> the
>    PING and SKIP commands);
> - if using one of the plugins (FreeMail, PhishTag, Reuse) which were
>    previously not part of the official package, please retire your local
> copy
>    to avoid it conflicting with a new native plugin;
> - as the plugin AWL is no longer loaded by default, to continue using it
>    the following line is needed in one of the .pre files (e.g.
> local.pre):
>      loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL
> - it may be worth mentioning that a rule DKIM_VERIFIED has been renamed
>    to DKIM_VALID to match its semantics;
> - the DKIM plugin is now enabled by default for new installs, if the
> perl
>    module Mail::DKIM is installed.  However, installation of SpamAssassin
>    will not overwrite existing .pre configuration files, so to use DKIM
> when
>    upgrading from a previous release that did not use DKIM, a directive:
>      loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM
>    will need to be uncommented in file "v312.pre", or added to some
>    other .pre file, such as local.pre;
> - due to changes in some internal data structures (like Bug 6185, 6254),
>    some third-party plugins may need to be updated. One such example is
>    the ClamAVPlugin plugin - please find a fresh version, which can be
> used
>    with both SpamAssassin versions 3.2.5 and 3.3.0, on its wiki page at
>    http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ClamAVPlugin
> - versions of amavisd-new between 2.5.2 and 2.6.1 (inclusive) are
> incompatible
>    with SpamAssassin 3.3; please upgrade amavisd to 2.6.2 or later, or
> apply
>    a workaround
> https://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=6257
> - support for versions of perl 5.6.* is being gradually revoked
>    (may still work, but no promises and no support);
> - preferred versions of perl are 5.8.8, 5.8.9, and 5.10.1 or later;
> - on FreeBSD, please avoid using multithreaded versions of perl older
>    than 5.10.0 due to small default main thread's stack size, which may
>    not suffice for some regular expression evaluations;
> Rules are normally installed by running a sa-update command.
> The version of sa-update program should match the version of
> SpamAssassin modules, so invoking sa-update should be performed only
> after installing or upgrading SpamAssassin code, not before.
> Installing rules from network is done with a single command, normally
> run as root:
>    sa-update
> Installing rules from files:
>    obtain all the following files:
>      Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-xxx.tgz
>      Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-xxx.tgz.asc
>      Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-xxx.tgz.md5
>      Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-xxx.tgz.sha1
>        (where xxx may look something like '3.3.0.r893295')
>    install rules from a compressed tar archive:
>      sa-update --install Mail-SpamAssassin-rules-xxx.tgz
>        (sa-update will need corresponding .asc and .sha1 files with the
>         same base name in the same directory as the .tgz file)
> - IPv6 support was substantially improved (see below);
> - many improvements to the DKIM plugin (understands author domain
> signatures,
>    supports multiple signatures, ADSP support with overrides) - (see
> below);
> - added 'if can(Class::method)' conditional statement, allowing
> configuration
>    settings to be conditional on plugin capabilities without requiring
>    new version releases to do so;
> - added a --verbose option to the sa-update utility to show updated
> channels;
> - added a configuration option 'time_limit', defaulting to 300 seconds
>    or whatever the caller (like spamd) provides; attempting to gracefully
>    terminate the checking when a time limit is reached, reporting the
> score
>    and test hits that were collected so far, along with an added hit on
> - more expensive code sections are now instrumented with timing
> measurements;
>    timing report is logged as a debug message by the end of processing,
>    and made available to a caller and to 'add_header' directives through
>    a TIMING tag;
> - added a configuration option skip_uribl_checks to the URIDNSBL plugin,
>    cross-documented it with skip_rbl_checks;
> - preserve order of declared 'add_header' header fields;
> - configurable network mask length for the AWL plugin (see below);
> - added support for DCC reputations (see below);
> - improved error handling and robustness (see below);
> - added timestamps when logging on stderr;
> - allowed debug areas to be excluded from debugging,
>    e.g.: -D all,norules,noconfig,nodcc
> - rules are no longer distributed with the package, but installed by
>    sa-update
> - Makefile.PL has been simplified and a bug fixed in a DESTDIR support
>    by increasing the minimum required version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker to
> 6.17
> - tools check_whitelist and check_spamd are now included in the
> distribution,
>    now called 'sa-awl' and 'sa-check_spamd'
> - modified the Check.pm plugin to produce smaller chunks of source code
>    from rules (60 kB) to avoid Perl compiler crashing on exceeding stack
> size;
> - localized global variables $1, $2, etc at several places, avoiding
> taint
>    issue from propagating;
> - avoided Perl I/O bug by replacing line-by-line reading with read()
> where
>    suitable, or played down the EBADF status in other places and only
> report
>    it as a dbg instead of a die - while also providing a little speedup
>    (10 .. 25 %) on reading a message;
> - provided a new sub Message::split_into_array_of_short_lines to split
>    a text into array of paragraph chunks of sizes between 1 kB and 2 kB,
>    giving less opportunity to runaway regular expressions in rules;
>    fixes bugs: 5717, 5644, 5795, 5486, 5801, 5041;
> - as a side-effect of compiling rules in smaller chunks (to avoid
> compiler
>    crashes), virtual memory footprint of SpamAssassin is reduced;
> - saved some memory by not importing the Pod::Usage unless it is needed;
> - saved 350k+ of memory in sa-compile by replacing DynaLoader with
> XSLoader;
> - removed unneeded index from MySQL bayes_token table;
> - added IPv6 support for trusted_networks, internal_networks,
> msa_networks,
>    whitelist_from_rcvd, and other stuff that uses NetSet and the Received
>    header field parser, using NetAddr::IP;
> - allowed usage of a remote dccifd host through an INET or INET6 socket;
> - added IPv6 support to AWL plugin and its utility modules; a network
>    mask length is now configurable and defaults to /48, which controls
>    what data is stored in an AWL database;
> - sql/README.awl and sql/awl_*.sql: increased suggested awl.ip field
> width
>    to 40 characters to be able to hold IPv6 addresses;
> - IP_PRIVATE now includes ipv6 variants of private address space,
>    as well as the ipv6-mapped ipv4 addresses.
> - NetSet now understands that ::ffff: and are
>    the same address;
> - IPv6 addresses are now properly read from Received header fields;
> - when reading Received header fields, the "IPv6:" prefix is stripped
> from
>    IPv6 addresses, and "::ffff:" is removed from IPv6-mapped IPv4
> addresses
>    (so strings can match them as simply IPv4 addresses);
> - ::1/128 is always included in the trusted_networks/internal_networks
> set
>    similar to;
> - some of the IPv6 functionality in SpamAssassin requires that a perl
> module
>    IO::Socket::INET6 is available (like accessing a DNS resolver over
> inet6,
>    talking to a dccifd host over inet6 socket, SPAMC protocol);
> - Mail::SpamAssasin::Client ping may erroneously result in broken pipe;
>    bump spamc protocol version to 1.5, updated spamd, spamc and
> Client.pm;
> - added -n / --connect-timeout switch to spamc, allowing to separate
>    a connection timeout from communication timeout;
> - added --filter-retries and --filter-retry-sleep;
> - increased allowed line length in spamc.conf files to 8 KiB and report
>    an error when the limit is exceeded;
> - fixed issue where spamc would not time out connections to a hung
> spamd;
> - spamc client library leaked the zlib compression buffer if compression
>    is used;
> - spamc long option '--dest' was broken;
> - when spamd is started with the daemonize option do not exit the parent
>    until a child signals that it has logged the pid, to allow a wrapper
>    script to simply continue immediately after starting spamd;
> - additional tempfile cleanup in kill_handler;
> - added SPAMD_LOCALHOST option to "make test" to allow specifying
>    non- IP address for use in FreeBSD jail;
> - adding one optional argument to Mail::SpamAssassin::parse allows
> caller
>    to pass additional out-of-band information to SpamAssassin (such as a
>    deadline time, DKIM verification results, information about a SMTP
> session,
>    or dynamic rule hits); this information is made available to plugins
> and
>    the rest of the code through a 'suppl_attrib' hash;
> - added option 'master_deadline' to the suppl_attrib argument of a
>    Mail::SpamAssassin::parse method, allowing the caller to override a
>    time_limit configuration setting;
> - Plugin::Check - pick up 'rule_hits' from caller via the new mechanism
>    and call got_hit() on them;
> - simplified adding dynamic score hits and dynamic rules by plugins
>    (such as AWL, CRM114, FuzzyOcr, Check) by letting got_hit() accept
>    options tflags and description, and letting it store a supplied
>    dynamic score for proper reporting;
> - let the timing breakdown information be accessible to a caller through
>    the existing get_tag mechanism (tag TIMING);
> - let the generated header fields ('add_header' configuration options)
>    be accessible to a caller through the existing get_tag mechanism
> - rules are no longer distributed with the package;
> - new scores were generated by a genetic algorithm (GA) and then
> manually
>    tweaked based on cleaned datasets supplied by a dozen volunteers;
> - dropped redundant rules or rules causing too many false positives;
> - added or updated many rules; incomplete list in no particular order:
>    vbounce, lotsa_money, muchmoney, image spam, fill_this_form, FreeMail,
>    European Parliament, HTML attachments, uri_obfu*, urinsrhsbl,
> urinsrhssub,
>    urifullnsrhsbl, URI_OBFU_X9_WS, rDNS=localhost,
>    SPAN rules, skype and misquoted-HTML rules, HTML obfuscation and
>    Google feedproxy URI rules, advance_fee updates including further
>    evolved advance fee second-order metarules, test rule for
>    postmaster+abuse missing, FROM_MISSPACED, fixed FROM_CONTAINS_TAB, a
>    Facebook redirector pattern, fixed FPs with TVD_SPACE_RATIO regarding
>    one-word emails and ISO-2022-JP, added exclusion for
> __ISO_2022_JP_DELIM
>    rules, RATWARE_BOUNDARY plus variant, superseded all previous
>    RATWARE_OUTLOOK stuff, resolved FP in obfuscated URI rule, fixed
> breakage
>    in tbird image rule, fixed SUBJECT_FUZZY_MEDS FP on unobfuscated
> "meds",
>    added misspaced From header field rule, numeric+cctld URI rule,
>    updated FH_DATE_PAST_20XX, ...
> - added PSBL blacklist - http://psbl.surriel.com/
> - added support for http://www.spamhaus.org/css/
> - replaces HABEAS, BSP and SSC with RP CERTIFIED;
> - use ReturnPath's RNBL, replacing SSBL;
> - added rule for plain text attachments with octet-stream MIME type;
> - avoided false positives on ISO-2022-JP messages in several rules;
> - removed massmailers from uridnsbl_skip_domain in 25_uribl.cf;
> - updated various default whitelists, uridnsbl_skip_domain,
> adsp_override, ...
> - new plugins: FreeMail, PhishTag, Reuse;
> - now enabled by default: DKIM;
> - now disabled by default: AWL;
> - retired plugin: DomainKeys;
> - plugin AWL is now disabled by default;
> - added new configuration options auto_whitelist_ipv4_mask_len and
>    auto_whitelist_ipv6_mask_len to allow more control on what part of
>    an IP address is stored into an AWL database;
> - README.awl: increased a suggested awl.ip field width to 40 characters
>    to support IPv6 addresses;
> - AutoWhitelist.pm: allowed storing a canonicalized IPv6 address,
> cropped
>    to a configurable network mask (previously causing SQL server errors:
>    'value too long');
> - let AWL with SQL keep separate records for DKIM-signed and unsigned
> mail
>    (when auto_whitelist_distinguish_signed configuration option is true,
>    and a field awl.signedby exists);
> - avoided a race condition in SQLBasedAddrList.pm when multiple
> processes
>    try to insert-or-update an awl SQL record: trying INSERT first, and if
>    that fails go for UPDATE;
> - gracefully handle NaN from corrupted database or a broken emulator or
>    virtualizer;
> - added support for DCC reputations, added setting dcc_rep_percent,
>    new test check_dcc_reputation_range(), new tag DCCREP
>    (DCC servers supply reputation data only to licensed clients);
> - allowed usage of a remote dccifd host through an INET or INET6 socket;
> - the DKIM plugin is now enabled by default for new installs if the perl
>    module Mail::DKIM is installed.  However, installing SpamAssassin will
>    not overwrite existing .pre configuration files, so to use DKIM when
>    upgrading from a previous release that did not use DKIM, the
> directive:
>      loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM
>    will need to be uncommented in file "v312.pre", or added to some
>    other .pre file, such as local.pre;
> - absolute minimal version of Mail::DKIM is 0.31;
>    support for ADSP requires Mail::DKIM 0.34;
>    a DNS test (and rule) for NXDOMAIN is operational since Mail::DKIM
> 0.36_5,
>    so effectively the recommended version is Mail::DKIM 0.37 or later;
> - a perl module Digest::SHA is required if the DKIM plugin is enabled.
>    If a perl module Digest::SHA is available, the module Digest::SHA1
>    becomes optional as far as SpamAssassin is concerned, but is still
>    needed by Razor agents;
> - added support for multiple signatures (useful for whitelisting);
> - plugin now distinguishes author domain signatures from third party
>    signatures (useful for whitelisting);
> - provides a tag DKIMIDENTITY (in addition to DKIMDOMAIN);
> - DKIM now supports Author Domain Signing Practices - ADSP (RFC 5617);
> - use the Mail::DKIM::AuthorDomainPolicy instead of
> Mail::DKIM::DkimPolicy,
>    when available (since Mail::DKIM 0.34);
> - implements an 'adsp_override' configuration directive and adds
>    an eval:check_dkim_adsp check, which is used by new DKIM_ADSP_* rules;
> - rules contain an initial set of 'adsp_override' directives, listing
>    some of the more popular target domains for phishing (applicable only
> to
>    domains which sign all their direct mail with a DKIM or DK signature);
> - this plugin can now re-use Mail::DKIM verification results if made
>    available by a caller, which saves resources and makes it possible
>    for SpamAssassin to work on a truncated large mail without breaking
>    DKIM signatures;
> - check_dkim_signed and check_dkim_adsp eval rules can now take an
> optional
>    list of domain names, which limits their action to listed domains
> only.
>    It facilitates building DKIM-based rules for specific domains, without
>    having to resort to meta rules;
> - draft-ietf-dkim-ssp-10/RFC-5617 made Author Domain Signature based on
> 'd':
>    updated ADSP code accordingly; changed whitelisting code to be based
> on
>    SDID ('d') instead of AUID ('i');
> - Plugin/DKIM.pm: terminology changes in comments and logging according
>    to RFC 5617 and draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871-errata-07;
> - fixed Rule2XSBody segfaults;
> - no longer treat user data as perl booleans (a string "0" is a false);
> - avoid data from the wild be interpreted as perl regular expressions;
> - ArchiveIterator: prevent _scan_directory from passing directories
>    to _scan_file (on NFS it would fail with EISDIR on read(2);
> - fixed inserting the SpamAssassin -generated header fields after a
>    multiline Return-Path header field;
> - fixed vpopmail support;
> - fixed incorrect mode bits when creating lock files for AWL;
> - fixed some cases where :addr headers were parsed incorrectly;
> - fixed leakage of 'whitelist_from_rcvd' entries between spamd users;
> - fixing run_and_catch, which failed to catch a non-timed run;
> - 127/8 isn't an illegal IP;
> - reworked the M::S::Timeout module to deal with nested timers as one
> would
>    expect: an inner timer shouldn't be able to extend an outer timer's
> limit;
>    account for time elapsed in the submitted subroutine when restarting
> an
>    outer timer; reset() should have accounted for time already spent;
>    deal with nested timed runs where alarm(0) does not provide remaining
> time;
> - the 'exists:' evaluator in HEADER rules now works as documented
>    and tests for existence of a header field, instead of testing for
>    a header field body being nonempty; internally, the pms->get can
>    also now distinguish between empty and nonexistent header fields;
> - applied fixes to header fields parsing in several places: header field
>    names are case-insensitive, whitespace is not required after a colon,
>    obsolete rfc822 syntax allowed whitespace before a colon;
>    VBounce: match "Received:" only at the beginning of a line;
> - fixed bugs 6237 and 6295: and are now valid
> allocated
>    address ranges, fixed a corresponding rule RCVD_ILLEGAL_IP;
> - fixed bug 6205 comment 5 in URIDetail.pm;
> - 'pyzor_options' in Plugin/Pyzor.pm was not untainted;
> - made the URIDetail plugin taint safe;
> - fixed parsing of multi-line Received header fields for
> - Bug 6206, Bug 2536: spamd: untaint directory as obtained from a
> password
>    file or from vpopmail utilities, avoid implicit untainting; report
> error
>    if user preferences file exists but cannot be accessed;
> - avoided using raw data from DNS as a regexp in Plugin/ASN.pm;
> - ensured the dbg() and info() calls always return the same value (true)
>    regardless of log level;
> - suppressed logging of $&  when its value is not available (i.e. when
>    no regexp has been evaluated during rule evaluation);
> - Exporter never really worked in SA, was not enclosed in BEGIN {};
> - masses/runGA and masses/mk-baseline-results: prevent a shell 'source'
>    command from loading an unrelated file named 'config' which happens to
> be
>    in the current PATH - must use a ./ in an arg to a 'source' command;
> - improved error detection and reporting: test status of all system
> calls
>    and I/O operations (or explicitly document where not), and report
>    unexpected failures;
> - eval calls now check for eval result instead of testing the $@, which
>    is not always reliable;
> - localized $@ and $! in DESTROY methods to prevent potential calls to
> eval
>    and calls to system routines in code executed from a DESTROY method
>    from clobbering global variables $@ and $!;
> - Util::helper_app_pipe_open_unix: contain a failing exec with an eval
>    to prevent additional cases of process cloning. The exec could fail
>    this way when given tainted arguments;
> - Util::helper_app_pipe_open_unix: flush stdout and stderr before
> forking,
>    otherwise an error reported by exec (such as 'insecure dependency')
>    was lost in a buffer;
> - eval-protected an open($fh,'-|') to capture implied fork failures
>    due to lack of system resource;
> - explicit untainting: combine "use re 'taint'" with untaint_var(),
>    avoiding implicit perl untainting, along with workarounds to prevent
> it;
> - added 'use strict' where missing;
> - avoided a bunch of warnings on "Use of uninitialized value";
> - clearly report reasons for helper application process failures;
> - t/SATest.pm: provide information about the process failure reason
>    if a system() call fails;  improved its reporting of failures;
> - improved error reporting in Plugin/DCC.pm on finding a DCC home
> directory
>    to facilitate troubleshooting;
> - pseudoheader "ALL:raw" returns a pristine header section,
>    and pseudoheader "ALL" returns a cleaned header section
> - total rewrite of URI detection in plain text body;
> - many updates to the list of top level domains;
> - added 'util_rb_3tld', allowing 3-level TLDs to be listed in URIBLs and
>    allowing new 3TLDs to be added from rule updates;
> - avoided trusted_networks bog down due to O(n^2) loop with millions
>    of entries;
> - applied fixes to Plugin/VBounce.pm, updated VBounce ruleset;
> - added support for a 'Communigate Pro' Received header field;
> - parse Communigate Pro "with HTTPU" auth token;
> - let DependencyInfo.pm understand a concept of recommended module
> version,
>    besides a required version;
> - provided a workaround for Net::DNS::Packet::new inconsistency;
> - let SpamAssassin use either Digest::SHA or Digest::SHA1, whichever is
>    available (the Digest::SHA is now a base module since perl 5.10.0);
> - improved parsing of eval-type rules: allow unquoted domain names as
>    arguments, disallow unmatched quotes;
> - provided a new module Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::BDB. It should
> be
>    treated as alpha-quality (needs more testing) and is not yet ready for
>    production use;
> - exposed existing function 'received_within_months' as an eval function
>    in Plugin/HeaderEval.pm;
> - moved rc script to /var/lock/subsys/spamd instead of
>    /var/lock/subsys/spamassassin so 'service spamd status' will work;
> - added feature to re-download MIRRRORED.BY files at least once a week,
> or if
>    'sa-update --refreshmirrors' switch is used;
> - input delimiter $/ can be corrupted by a plugin, localize $/ and $\
> before
>    calling a plugin;
> - bumped the retry counter to 180 seconds for starting spamd on slow
> machines;
> - resolved Bug 5325: syslog severity level in spamc/libspamc.c for max
>    message size (changed LOG_ERR into LOG_NOTICE for the message:
>    "skipped message, greater than max message size");
> - added checker to avoid taint warnings if hostname is returned as
> '(none)';
> - altered sa-update to produce an error message if a channel doesn't
> exist;
> - Bug 6150, Bug 6127, Bug 5981, Bug 5950, Bug 6191: let spamd log/report
>    a child process exit status or aborting condition in an informative
> way;
> - added checker to detect accidental match-everything regexps in rules;
> - updated garescorer for 3.3.0: use more epochs in GA runs for better
> scores;
>    clarify some mass-check warning output, ensure rule name always
> appears at
>    start of line; if a rule had no default/existing score in
> 50_scores.cf,
>    don't tell the GA that 1.0 is an appropriate default value, instead
> pick
>    the midway point of its score range. this produces better results;
>    remove some dead code from masses/score-ranges-from-freqs;
> - set garescorer.c to report performance as iterations per second;
> - added test to ensure that all config settings are correctly handled
> when
>    switching between users; added more config setting type metadata to
> enable
>    those tests to work; and fix URIDetail to store config on the {conf}
> object,
>    not on the plugin;
> - moved 'release tests' to xt/ directory; mirror long-running, net-tests
> and
>    stress tests with xt/50_testname.t scripts to enforce their run before
> a
>    release;
> - made numerous additional and updated self-tests;
> - added a Test::Perl::Critic release-test;
> - cleaned up some code based on suggestions by perl module
> Test::Perl::Critic,
>    among others:
>    . enable TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict test but allow the
>      use of 'no strict "refs"';
>    . deal with BuiltinFunctions::RequireGlobFunction;
>    . deal with ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions
>      removing this exception from xt/60_perlcritic.t;
>    . deal with BayesStore/BDB.pm,
> Variables::ProhibitConditionalDeclarations
>    . now that the module Time::HiRes is a required module, we can afford
>      to replace a select() with Time::HiRes::sleep, and remove exception
>      BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitSleepViaSelect from xt/60_perlcritic.t;
> - updated documentation, fixing numerous typos and mistakes in
> documentation
>    text and in log messages;
> - extensively improved development process:
>    . automated testing through Hudson, a continuous integration tool;
>    . improved mass-check system and rules oversight;
> About Apache SpamAssassin
> -------------------------
> Apache SpamAssassin is a mature, widely-deployed open source project
> that serves as a mail filter to identify spam. SpamAssassin uses a
> variety of mechanisms including mail header and text analysis, Bayesian
> filtering, DNS blocklists, and collaborative filtering databases. In
> addition, Apache SpamAssassin has a modular architecture that allows
> other technologies to be quickly incorporated as an addition or as a
> replacement for existing methods.
> Apache SpamAssassin typically runs on a server, classifies and labels
> spam before it reaches your mailbox, while allowing other components of
> a mail system to act on its results.
> Most of the Apache SpamAssassin is written in Perl, with heavily
> traversed code paths carefully optimized. Benefits are portability,
> robustness and facilitated maintenance. It can run on a wide variety of
> POSIX platforms.
> The server and the Perl library feels at home on Unix and Linux
> platforms, and reportedly also works on MS Windows systems under
> ActivePerl.
> For more information, visit http://spamassassin.apache.org/
> About The Apache Software Foundation
> ------------------------------------
> Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides
> organizational, legal, and financial support for more than 100
> freely-available, collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The
> pragmatic Apache License enables individual and commercial users to
> easily deploy Apache software; the Foundation's intellectual property
> framework limits the legal exposure of its 2,500+ contributors.
> For more information, visit http://www.apache.org/
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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