Advise please
Dave Filchak
submit at
Mon Jan 11 16:39:55 GMT 2010
Basically, what I have done is remove all references to clam* from
/usr/loca/bin and sbin. I already had the latest clamd installed under
/usr/bin and /usr/sbin. Updated the references under virus.scanners.conf
to point to the clamd installation under /usr/sbin and mad sure the
/etc/clamd.conf and MailScanner.conf socket directory entries were both
set to /tmp/ However, when I run MailScanner --lint, it says:
Filename Checks: Windows/DOS Executable (1
Other Checks: Found 1 problems
Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
Cannot find Socket (/tmp/clamd.socket) Exiting! at
/usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/ line 3689
The socket file is indeed in /tmp so why can't it find it? Also,
confused about the previous entry:
MailScanner.conf says "Virus Scanners = clamd"
Found these virus scanners installed: clamavmodule
Shouldn't the second line say clamd as well?
On 11/01/2010 7:00 AM, Jules Field wrote:
> Find every directory and file under /usr/local whose name mentions
> "clam" in it anywhere, and delete it.
> Then install the clamd and related RPMs from and make
> sure your /etc/clamd.conf contains the same socket location as your
> MailScanner.conf file does, or else they won't talk to each other.
> Also change your virus.scanners.conf to point to the new location and
> not /usr/local or whatever it says now.
> "MailScanner --lint" will show you if your setup is basically correct,
> it should find some viruses in its test message and complete without
> any errors.
> Jules
> On 10/01/2010 20:17, Dave Filchak wrote:
>> I have come to realize that I have two versions of clamscan and two
>> versions of freshclam installed on my machine. This after getting the
>> "Your ClamAV Installation is OUTDATED". As well, have duplicate
>> libraries, two versions of clamd etc. I would like advise as to how
>> to clean this up and get it down to only one of each. I am using
>> clamd for scanning.
>> I would prefer to use rpms for this but am not adverse to compiling
>> things. I am only one taking care of the servers and have lots of
>> other things on the go so quick and efficient is always good. Below
>> are the specs. I know the OS is old and needs to be updated. All are
>> scheduled to be replaced this year but may be later in the year so
>> would like to get things in the proper place, not duplicated and easy
>> to update until I have a new machine and a chance to deal with it.
>> Had another fellow doing this before but now is just myself. All help
>> is very much appreciated.
>> Let me know if any more info is required.
>> Cheers,
>> Dave
>> whereis clamav
>> clamav: /usr/include/clamav.h
>> whereis clamd
>> clamd: /usr/sbin/clamd /etc/clamd.conf /usr/local/sbin/clamd
>> /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf /usr/share/man/man8/clamd.8.gz
>> whereis freshclam
>> freshclam: /usr/bin/freshclam /etc/freshclam.conf
>> /usr/local/bin/freshclam /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf
>> /usr/share/man/man1/freshclam.1.gz
>> whereis clamscan
>> clamscan: /usr/bin/clamscan /usr/local/bin/clamscan
>> /usr/share/man/man1/clamscan.1.gz
>> ldd /usr/bin/freshclam
>> => /usr/lib64/ (0x0000002a95568000)
>> => /usr/local/lib/ (0x0000002a9573c000)
>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003c30300000)
>> => /lib64/tls/
>> (0x0000003c2f500000)
>> => /lib64/tls/ (0x0000003c2ec00000)
>> => /usr/lib64/ (0x0000003c36a00000)
>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003c2ef00000)
>> /lib64/ (0x0000003c2ea00000)
>> ldd /usr/local/bin/freshclam
>> => /usr/local/lib/
>> (0x0000002a95568000)
>> => /usr/local/lib/ (0x0000002a95704000)
>> => /lib64/ (0x0000003c30300000)
>> => /lib64/tls/
>> (0x0000003c2f500000)
>> => /lib64/tls/ (0x0000003c2ec00000)
>> => /usr/lib64/ (0x0000003c30900000)
>> =>
>> /usr/local/lib/ (0x0000002a9581b000)
>> => /usr/lib64/ (0x0000003c36a00000)
>> /lib64/ (0x0000003c2ea00000)
>> => /usr/local/lib/
>> (0x0000002a9591e000)
>> MailScanner -V
>> Running on
>> Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Mar 9 06:23:23 GMT 2006 x86_64
>> x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> This is CentOS release 4.3 (Final)
>> This is Perl version 5.008005 (5.8.5)
>> This is MailScanner version 4.78.17
>> Module versions are:
>> 1.00 AnyDBM_File
>> 1.20 Archive::Zip
>> 0.23 bignum
>> 1.03 Carp
>> 2.005 Compress::Zlib
>> 1.119 Convert::BinHex
>> 0.17 Convert::TNEF
>> 2.121 Data::Dumper
>> 2.27 Date::Parse
>> 1.00 DirHandle
>> 1.05 Fcntl
>> 2.73 File::Basename
>> 2.08 File::Copy
>> 2.01 FileHandle
>> 1.06 File::Path
>> 0.20 File::Temp
>> 0.78 Filesys::Df
>> 1.35 HTML::Entities
>> 3.56 HTML::Parser
>> 2.37 HTML::TokeParser
>> 1.23 IO
>> 1.14 IO::File
>> 1.13 IO::Pipe
>> 2.04 Mail::Header
>> 1.89 Math::BigInt
>> 0.22 Math::BigRat
>> 3.05 MIME::Base64
>> 5.427 MIME::Decoder
>> 5.427 MIME::Decoder::UU
>> 5.427 MIME::Head
>> 5.427 MIME::Parser
>> 3.03 MIME::QuotedPrint
>> 5.427 MIME::Tools
>> 0.13 Net::CIDR
>> 1.25 Net::IP
>> 0.16 OLE::Storage_Lite
>> 1.04 Pod::Escapes
>> 3.05 Pod::Simple
>> 1.08 POSIX
>> 1.19 Scalar::Util
>> 1.77 Socket
>> 2.16 Storable
>> 1.4 Sys::Hostname::Long
>> 0.27 Sys::Syslog
>> 1.26 Test::Pod
>> 0.6 Test::Simple
>> 1.68 Time::HiRes
>> 1.02 Time::localtime
>> Optional module versions are:
>> 1.32 Archive::Tar
>> 0.23 bignum
>> 1.82 Business::ISBN
>> 1.10 Business::ISBN::Data
>> 1.08 Data::Dump
>> 1.814 DB_File
>> 1.25 DBD::SQLite
>> 1.607 DBI
>> 1.10 Digest
>> 1.01 Digest::HMAC
>> 2.36 Digest::MD5
>> 2.11 Digest::SHA1
>> 1.00 Encode::Detect
>> 0.17008 Error
>> 0.19 ExtUtils::CBuilder
>> 2.18 ExtUtils::ParseXS
>> 2.38 Getopt::Long
>> 0.44 Inline
>> 1.08 IO::String
>> 1.04 IO::Zlib
>> 2.21 IP::Country
>> 0.22 Mail::ClamAV
>> 3.002005 Mail::SpamAssassin
>> v2.004 Mail::SPF
>> 1.999001 Mail::SPF::Query
>> 0.2808 Module::Build
>> 0.20 Net::CIDR::Lite
>> 0.65 Net::DNS
>> 0.002.2 Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable
>> 0.31 Net::LDAP
>> 4.004 NetAddr::IP
>> 1.94 Parse::RecDescent
>> missing SAVI
>> 2.52 Test::Harness
>> 0.95 Test::Manifest
>> 1.98 Text::Balanced
>> 1.35 URI
>> 0.7203 version
>> 0.65 YAML
> Jules
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