Yet another "disable outgoing scan" question

Michael Masse mrm at
Wed Feb 17 15:25:15 GMT 2010

Assuming your Mailscanner is outside of your internal smart host, just use the ip(s) of the smart host instead of the domain name.  This won't stop spam from coming within your organization, but you should have other tools available to watch for that.      

>>> On 2/16/2010 at 2:41 PM, in message
<2c6cf52a1002161241o445cbf14we8bb4df71477a626 at>, Mauricio Tavares
<raubvogel at> wrote:
> As the subject states, I would like to disable outgoing scan.
> Now, from what I saw in mailscanner.conf and was explained in the irc
> channel, I should set Scan Messages = my ruleset file and then have
> something like
> From: no
> FromOrTo: default           yes
> in the file. Question I have is would the first line cause emails
> pretending to be coming from my domain not to be scanned? If so, how
> would I make sure only the emails that truly originate from my domain
> not be scanned?

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