Zlib and zleb-devel missing, what's unrar, and do I care?

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn at whidbey.com
Wed Feb 17 11:01:39 GMT 2010

I just started setting up a new server, which meant a fresh install of 

I ran the RPM-based installer, as I'm running CentOS, and also used the 
ClamAV 0.95.3/SpamAssassin 3.3.0 installer.

MailScanner reported that there were no AV scanners installed, 
suggesting frequently in maillog that this wasn't a really bright idea 
on my part. I reran the Clam/SA installer a couple of times before 
noticing that it bitched about zlib and zlib-devel not being installed 
early in the process and just kept running until the final success, 
which actually wasn't success at all. Manually installing those allowed 
the install to run, and MailScanner stopped bitching about it. I would 
think that if these elements are central to the installer running, and 
if RHEL/CentOS don't consider them part of the basic install, that they 
ought to be included in the installer (a ton of other things are), or at 
the very least the installer ought to exit at that point with a clear 
message about the trivial fix. (yum install zlib zlib-devel)

So MS is running merrily along. However, it keeps carping about 
"/usr/sbin/unrar does not exist or is not executable". Okay, it doesn't 
exist. So off to "yum provides */unrar", and learn that it doesn't exist 
in the CentOS universe, apparently. Now what?


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