postfix header_checks

John Wilcock john at
Tue Feb 2 13:17:53 GMT 2010

Le 02/02/2010 13:52, Nerijus Baliunas a écrit :
> According to
> I added 2 lines to remove our internal IPs from the messages, so /etc/postfix/header_checks
> is now:
> /^Received:.*\[127\.0\.0\.1/  IGNORE
> /^Received:.*\[10\.10\.10\.1/ IGNORE
> /^Received:/ HOLD
> But now when I send message from I do not get X-xx-MailScanner headers
> in received message anymore. I do get them if I only have /^Received:/ HOLD
> line in /etc/postfix/header_checks.

Yes, that's the way postfix header_checks works. As soon as a header 
hits a given action, no other actions are taken for the same header.

In other words, you can't use that method with MailScanner, because you 
need the HOLD action regardless.


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