MailScanner crashing

Peter Bonivart bonivart at
Thu Dec 30 08:46:52 GMT 2010

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 1:18 AM, Johnson, SE <sjohnson at> wrote:
> I had to do the following settings in MailScanner.conf
> Ensure the following
> Maximum Archive Depth = 0  (this was already 0 for me but it still was
> trying to do something with the archives)
> Allow Password-Protected Attachments = yes (the zips I was sending
> through the filter did NOT have a password but this for some reason was
> causing an issue...)
> Check Filenames In Password-Protected Archives = no
> These settings shouldn't even be in mailscanner as clamav (or any other
> virus scanner) will scan the archive so it's completely redundant.

It's not redundant at all. You assume that your scanner will find
every threat, that isn't very likely.


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