Issue with ScamNailer. Unable to DL definitions.

Mark Sapiro mark at
Sat Aug 28 14:52:15 IST 2010

On 11:59 AM, James Hilty wrote:
> I got the one at
> which should be
> the newest version I believe.
> Looking at your logs, it seems like your definitions are
> emails.2010-344 while mine are emails.2010-253. Seems like I am
> trying to DL an old version of the definitions. Which would explain
> why I can't get them. They are deleted. Still don't know what is
> causing it though.

What does

  dig txt

return? This is effectively what the script does to get the name of the
latest file. It should return a "txt" record with content similar to
"emails.2010-346.17" which is what I got a few minutes ago.

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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