Mailscanner 4.79-11-1 for CentOS (5.5 x64) ignoring filename rules?

Alex Crow alex at
Thu Aug 5 18:10:16 IST 2010


I have installed from the RPM-based installer on the MailScanner site 
(together with the ClamAV/SpamAssassin easy-install package CA:0.96.1 
SA:3.31) and the filename rules seem to be ignored. I sent through an 
attachement named "fintest.doc.rtf.txt.doc.doc" and the log showed they 
were allowed:

Aug  5 14:55:24 mail04 MailScanner[29674]: Filename Checks: Allowing 
00B222AB0117.AC992 fintest.doc.rtf.txt.doc.doc
Aug  5 14:55:24 mail04 MailScanner[29674]: Filename Checks: Allowing 
00B222AB0117.AC992 msg-29674-6.txt
Aug  5 14:55:24 mail04 MailScanner[29674]: Filetype Checks: Allowing 
00B222AB0117.AC992 fintest.doc.rtf.txt.doc.doc
Aug  5 14:55:24 mail04 MailScanner[29674]: Filetype Checks: Allowing 
00B222AB0117.AC992 msg-29674-6.txt

Here are the pertinent entries in my config files:

Filename Rules = %etc-dir%/filename.rules

From:   /etc/MailScanner/filename.rules.allowall.conf
FromOrTo:   default  /etc/MailScanner/filename.rules.conf

allow .* -  -

# NOTE: Fields are separated by TAB characters --- Important!
# Syntax is allow/deny/deny+delete/email-addresses, then regular 
#           then log text, then user report text.
# The "email-addresses" can be a space or comma-separated list of email
# addresses. If the rule hits, the message will be sent to these 
# instead of the original recipients.

# Due to a bug in Outlook Express, you can make the 2nd from last extension
# be what is used to run the file. So very long filenames must be denied,
# regardless of the final extension.
deny    .{150,}                 Very long filename, possible OE 
attack                                          Very long filenames are 
good signs of attacks against Microsoft e-mail packages

# JKF 10/08/2007 Adobe Acrobat nastiness
deny    \.fdf$                  Dangerous Adobe Acrobat 
data-file                                               Opening this 
file can cause auto-loading of any file from the internet

# JKF 04/01/2005 More Microsoft security vulnerabilities
deny    \.ico$                  Windows icon file security 
vulnerability                                        Possible buffer 
overflow in Windows
deny    \.ani$                  Windows animated cursor file security 
vulnerability                             Possible buffer overflow in 
deny    \.cur$                  Windows cursor file security 
vulnerability                                      Possible buffer 
overflow in Windows
deny    \.hlp$                  Windows help file security 
vulnerability                                        Possible buffer 
overflow in Windows
deny    \.wri$                  Windows wordpad file security 
vulnerability                                     Possible buffer 
overflow in Windows

# These are some well known viruses.
deny    pretty\s+park\.exe$     "Pretty Park" 
"Pretty Park" virus
deny    happy99\.exe$           "Happy" 
"Happy" virus
deny    \.ceo$          WinEvar virus 
attachment                                                        Often 
used by the WinEvar virus
deny    webpage\.rar$   I-Worm.Yanker virus 
attachment                                                  Often used 
by the I-Worm.Yanker virus
deny    your_.*\.zip    "W32/SoBig.E" 
"W32/SoBig" virus
deny    message\.zip    "W32/Mimail.A" 
"W32/Mimail" virus

# JKF 08/07/2005 Several virus scanners may miss this one
deny    \.cab$                  Possible malicious Microsoft cabinet 
file                                       Cabinet files may hide viruses

# These are in the archives which are Microsoft Office 2007 files (e.g. 
allow   \.xml\d*\.rel$          -       -
allow   \.x\d+\.rel$            -       -
allow   \.rtf$                  -       -

# These are known to be mostly harmless.
allow   \.odt$                  -       -
allow   \.ods$                  -       -
allow   \.odp$                  -       -
allow   \.jpg$                  -       -
allow   \.gif$                  -       -
# .url is arguably dangerous, but I can't just ban it...
allow   \.url$                  -       -
allow   \.vcf$                  -       -
allow   \.txt$                  -       -
allow   \.zip$                  -       -
allow   \.t?gz$                 -       -
allow   \.bz2$                  -       -
allow   \.Z$                    -       -
allow   \.rpm$                  -       -
# PGP and GPG
allow   \.gpg$                  -       -
allow   \.pgp$                  -       -
allow   \.sig$                  -       -
allow   \.asc$                  -       -
# Macintosh archives
allow   \.hqx$                  -       -
allow   \.sit.bin$              -       -
allow   \.sea$                  -       -

# these are sent by our users all of the time.
allow   \.pdf$                  -       -
allow   \.doc$                  -       -
allow   \.xls$                  -       -

# These are known to be dangerous in almost all cases.
deny    \.reg$          Possible Windows registry 
attack                                                Windows registry 
entries are very dangerous in email
deny    \.chm$          Possible compiled Help file-based 
virus                                         Compiled help files are 
very dangerous in email
# See for more 
deny    \.cnf$          Possible SpeedDial 
attack                                                       SpeedDials 
are very dangerous in email
deny    \.hta$          Possible Microsoft HTML archive 
attack                                          HTML archives are very 
dangerous in email
deny    \.ins$          Possible Microsoft Internet Comm. Settings 
attack                               Windows Internet Settings are 
dangerous in email
deny    \.jse?$         Possible Microsoft JScript 
attack                                               JScript Scripts are 
dangerous in email
deny    \.job$          Possible Microsoft Task Scheduler 
attack                                        Task Scheduler requests 
are dangerous in email
deny    \.lnk$          Possible Eudora *.lnk security hole 
attack                                      Eudora *.lnk security hole 
deny    \.ma[dfgmqrstvw]$       Possible Microsoft Access Shortcut 
attack                               Microsoft Access Shortcuts are 
dangerous in email
deny    \.pif$          Possible MS-Dos program shortcut 
attack                                         Shortcuts to MS-Dos 
programs are very dangerous in email
deny    \.scf$          Possible Windows Explorer Command 
attack                                        Windows Explorer Commands 
are dangerous in email
deny    \.sct$          Possible Microsoft Windows Script Component 
attack                              Windows Script Components are 
dangerous in email
deny    \.shb$          Possible document shortcut 
attack                                               Shortcuts Into 
Documents are very dangerous in email
deny    \.shs$          Possible Shell Scrap Object 
attack                                              Shell Scrap Objects 
are very dangerous in email
deny    \.vb[es]$       Possible Microsoft Visual Basic script 
attack                                   Visual Basic Scripts are 
dangerous in email
deny    \.ws[cfh]$      Possible Microsoft Windows Script Host 
attack                                   Windows Script Host files are 
dangerous in email
deny    \.xnk$          Possible Microsoft Exchange Shortcut 
attack                                     Microsoft Exchange Shortcuts 
are dangerous in email

# These are new dangerous attachment types according to Microsoft in
deny    \.cer$          Dangerous Security Certificate (according to 
Microsoft)                         Dangerous attachment according to 
Microsoft Q883260
deny    \.its$          Dangerous Internet Document Set (according to 
Microsoft)                        Dangerous attachment according to 
Microsoft Q883260
deny    \.mau$          Dangerous attachment type (according to 
Microsoft)                              Dangerous attachment according 
to Microsoft Q883260
deny    \.md[az]$       Dangerous attachment type (according to 
Microsoft)                              Dangerous attachment according 
to Microsoft Q883260
deny    \.prf$          Dangerous Outlook Profile Settings (according to 
Microsoft)                     Dangerous attachment according to 
Microsoft Q883260
deny    \.pst$          Dangerous Office Data File (according to 
Microsoft)                             Dangerous attachment according to 
Microsoft Q883260
#deny   \.tmp$          Dangerous Temporary File (according to 
Microsoft)                               Dangerous attachment according 
to Microsoft Q883260
deny    \.vsmacros$     Dangerous Visual Studio Macros (according to 
Microsoft)                         Dangerous attachment according to 
Microsoft Q883260
deny    \.vs[stw]$      Dangerous attachment type (according to 
Microsoft)                              Dangerous attachment according 
to Microsoft Q883260
deny    \.ws$           Dangerous Windows Script (according to 
Microsoft)                               Dangerous attachment according 
to Microsoft Q883260

# These 2 added by popular demand - Very often used by viruses
deny    \.com$          Windows/DOS 
Executable DOS/Windows programs are dangerous in email
deny    \.exe$          Windows/DOS 
Executable DOS/Windows programs are dangerous in email

# These are very dangerous and have been used to hide viruses
deny    \.scr$          Possible virus hidden in a 
screensaver                                          Windows 
Screensavers are often used to hide viruses
deny    \.bat$          Possible malicious batch file 
script                                            Batch files are often 
deny    \.cmd$          Possible malicious batch file 
script                                            Batch files are often 
deny    \.cpl$          Possible malicious control panel 
item                                           Control panel items are 
often used to hide viruses
deny    \.mhtml$        Possible Eudora meta-refresh 
attack                                             MHTML files can be 
used in an attack against Eudora

# Deny filenames containing CLSID's
deny    \{[a-hA-H0-9-]{25,}\}   Filename trying to hide its real 
type                           Files containing  CLSID's are trying to 
hide their real type

# Deny filenames with lots of contiguous white space in them.
deny    \s{10,}         Filename contains lots of white 
space                                           A long gap in a name is 
often used to hide part of it

# Allow repeated file extension, e.g.
allow   (\.[a-z0-9]{3})\1$      -       -

# Allow days of the week and months in doc names, e.g.
allow   \.(mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun)\.[a-z0-9]{3}$   -       -
-       -

# Deny all other double file extensions. This catches any hidden filenames.
deny    \.[a-z][a-z0-9]{2,3}\s*\.[a-z0-9]{3}$   Found possible filename 
hiding                          Attempt to hide real filename extension

Is anyone at all able to help me?

Best regards


This message is intended only for the addressee and may contain
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the message along with any attachments and notify us immediately.

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