OT: Blocking persistent spammers using IPTables?

Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Thu Apr 29 16:03:12 IST 2010

Philip Parsons wrote:
> If you are using MailScanner you should look into a program called 
> Vispan.  IT scans the maillog and compiles lists of ips to 
> automatically block according to whatever criteria you put in place.  
> The good thing is that it releases the ip after 5 days as most 
> spammers are using DHCP, but if the same machines starts to spam again 
> it then blocks it for 10 days and so for and so long.  Also has a nice 
> little web based stats page.

Since this is labeled OT, hope you don't mind answering a few questions 
about Vispan, and that the list doesn't mind the out-of-range stuff.

I don't really see how or where Vispan creates a list of IP for me. I 
don't understand what the UseHeuristics parm is supposed to do. And I 
haven't really found how to set up rbldnsd anywhere. All google searches 
end in insufficient explanations, although most touch on some of this. 
At this point in time, I have both UseAccess and UseIPTables set to 0 
but have try setting UseHeuristics to both 0 and 1 without any 
difference I could see.

If you have time, could you respond to the above, either online or offline?


Steve Campbell

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