ClamAv 0.96 is out

Doc Schneider doc at
Sat Apr 3 14:45:19 IST 2010

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> I've come to the preliminary conclusion that this is a problem with --lint 
> only. I'm not seeing any complaints from clamd in warn unless I do a --
> lint. --lint must be setting ownership/permisssions slightly different 
> from the worker code - e.g. it's a bug in the --lint code.
> Kai

Yeah I've pretty much come to the same conclusion. Something about the 
MailScanner --lint is not doing the correct permissions.

I'e stopped my clamd service and started clamd --debug but it doesn't 
complain. Go figure. I think the ClamAV team might have changed some 
return codes with MailScanner is not seeing right. I know there was 
something on the clamav-users list about freshclam having some return 
codes changed.

Lincoln, NE.

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