ClamAv 0.96 is out

Iulian L Dragomir iulianld at
Fri Apr 2 23:00:53 IST 2010

on my test system i have:

/var/spool/Mailscanner contains 2 folders

name                        perms            owner  group
incoming                   drwxr-xr-x     root     clamav
quarantine                drwxr-xr-x     root     root

/var/spool/Mailscanner/incoming contains :

name                                perms            owner  group
22715                               drwxrwx---     root     clamav
22779                               drwxrwx---     root     clamav
22837                               drwxrwx---     root     clamav
22894                               drwxrwx---     root     clamav
22951                               drwxrwx---     root     clamav
Locks                                drwxr-x---      root     root
SpamAssassin-Temp        drwx-------     root     root
Processing.db                   -rw-------        root     root
SpamAssassin.cache.db   -rw-------        root     root

as such it looks that the clamav group have the necessary rights to
access the mailscanner incoming folders (the 22xxx folders )

Also MailScanner is running as root so the suggestion related to


is not helping ... i do not even have a user named mailscanner

clamd.conf have the setting for supplementary groups enabled by
default. That is one of the things i already verified.

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