MailScanner --lint and spamassassin error

Garrod Alwood admin at
Mon Oct 26 17:45:32 GMT 2009

Scratch that, This server was created before I took and when I edited one
of the ones that I created it worked perfectly. So now I have to backtrack
his work and look and see where it is calling that from. I would like to
thank everyone for their help thought.

> Garrod Alwood wrote:
>> ok, I have the symbolic link and I have restarted Mailscanner and I
>> have done everything possible, I will show you exactly what I have
>> inside of the mailscanner so that you can see what I am fighting
>> with. No matter what I set those two things to I keep getting the
>> same error which is
>> ERROR: The "envelope_sender_header" in your spam.assassin.prefs.conf
>> ERROR: is not correct, it should match X-ARCOGROUP-MailScanner-From
>>> From Mailscanner.conf
>> # This is the name of the Envelope From header # controlled by the
>> option above. # This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
>> Envelope From Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner-From:
>>> From spam.assassin.perfs.con
>> # =============== SpamAssassin Header Processing ===============
>> # SpamAssassin will attempt to discover the address used in the 'MAIL
>> FROM:' # phase of the SMTP transaction that delivered this message,
>> if this data # has been made available by the SMTP server. This is
>> used in the EnvelopeFrom # pseudo-header, and for various rules such
>> as SPF checking.
>> # This should be explicitly set for MailScanner
>> envelope_sender_header X-MailScanner-From
> But you don't actually show us what the envelope_sender_header is set to
> in spam.assassin.prefs.conf.  Do you have a line in there that looks like
> this:
>   envelope_sender_header X-ARCOGROUP-MailScanner-From
> If not, you need to add it.
> ...Kevin
> --
> Kevin Miller                Registered Linux User No: 307357
> CBJ MIS Dept.               Network Systems Admin., Mail Admin.
> 155 South Seward Street     ph: (907) 586-0242
> Juneau, Alaska 99801        fax: (907 586-4500--
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