Slightly OT: Postcard Virus/SPAM --RESOLVED

Philip Zeigler philip at
Wed Oct 14 00:56:37 IST 2009

I have solved the problem. As I mentioned before, there is no way a user can log in with shell access and everything was being sent as the user apache so it had to be web related. 

It turns out the server had package installed called horde which is apparently a framework for creating web applications.  Also appears the the default configuration is very unsecure and allowed a hacker to create an application to send out these postcard spam/virus. Removing horde and a reboot fixed the issue. 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Philip Zeigler" <philip at>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 17:35:09 
To: <mailscanner at>
Subject: Slightly OT: Postcard Virus/SPAM

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