ClamAVModule::INFECTED:: Phishing.Heuristics.Email.SpoofedDomain

donald.dawson at donald.dawson at
Fri Oct 2 17:43:59 IST 2009

-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at
[mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jules
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 2:35 AM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: ClamAVModule::INFECTED::

As you are clearly trying to use a new feature ("Spam-Virus"es) that I 
just introduced, I think you will find all your problems are solved 
using the new "Spam-Virus" feature in 4.78.

On 01/10/2009 23:26, donald.dawson at wrote:
> We are running MS 4.75.11 (soon to upgrade to interesting new 4.78.17 
> version).  We installed clam via the MS tar ball.  Clam is our only AV

> and is called by MS via /usr/lib/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper.
> We have been getting FPs on some newsletters due to Phishing 
> Heuristics in clam.  We also found that MS does not appear to use a 
> clamd.conf or freshclam.conf file.  To get around the FP Phishing 
> Heuristics problem, we modified the clamav-wrapper to turn off 
> heuristic url scans (line 152 added in clamav-wrapper script):
> ExtraScanOptions="$ExtraScanOptions --phishing-scan-urls=no"
> I would rather not edit the delivered MS script.  Is there a clam 
> config file used by MS?
> Where would I put the '--phishing-scan-urls=no' option?
> Lastly, is it preferable to install clamav, clamav-db and clamd RPMs 
> versus letting MS load clamscan for every email?
> ...from the tarball clam/SA script:
> echo 'There are 2 recommended ways of installing ClamAV, depending on'
> echo 'various factors.'
> echo 'If you want to use MailScanners support for Clamd
> echo 'daemon) then I recommend you cancel this script now (press
> echo 'and install the RPMs for clamav, clamav-db and clamd from'
> echo ' _'
> echo 'Then re-run this script and tell me that clamscan is installed
> echo '/usr/bin. This will set up your virus.scanners.conf file for
> echo
> echo 'Otherwise you probably want me to install ClamAV now. So answer
> Jules - thank you for a great product!
> Donald Dawson
> Security Administrator
> Baker Botts L.L.P.
> One Shell Plaza
> 910 Louisiana
> Houston, TX 77002
> W: 713-229-2183



Jules, would you also recommend installing the clamd rpm versus letting
MS run clamscan?


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