bitdefender-autoupdate grabbing lots of RAM

Delgado Moreno, Alex adelgado at
Wed Nov 25 11:11:23 GMT 2009

I'm having the same issue.
Ended up disabling bitdefender. But I think time ago also happened for first time, and think I found a way to solve it, but can't remeber.
If anyone could point us in the right way, would be great.

Alex Delgado
Resp. Informatica
Industrias Laubat, S.A.



De: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] En nombre de Nigel Kendrick
Enviado el: miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009 11:38
Para: 'MailScanner discussion'
Asunto: RE: bitdefender-autoupdate grabbing lots of RAM

This is still an issue - any ideas?


From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Nigel Kendrick
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 3:27 PM
To: 'MailScanner discussion'
Subject: bitdefender-autoupdate grabbing lots of RAM

Just had a look at a mail server (MS 4.77.9) that was running slowly all of a sudden and it was paging like the clappers, with bitdefender-autoupdate hogging 800MB RAM and nearly 1GB of virtual. 
What should I check, hit, delete, kill or update etc..!?
Nigel Kendrick
IT Associate
Pet Doctors Ltd
Pet Doctors House
Drayton Lane, Merston
Chichester, West Sussex
PO20 1EL
Tel (direct): 01555 708 601
Fax: 01243 782 584

General IT support issues should be sent to support at


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