Targeting Malware

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at
Thu Nov 12 13:44:02 GMT 2009

Antony Stone a écrit :
> On Thursday 12 November 2009 07:52, Pete Russell wrote:
>> This works fine, until, you get some one with a new malware.
>> We often get 40k of these same email being sent each day, in the past MS
>> and SA just stopped them, now they seem to beat it a little more and we
>> have to create custom rules (not very gracefully).
>> Should i go with DCC or pyzor to target these emails, any other
>> suggestions?
> Limit the number of IP connection requests to the mail server from each client 
> to a reasonable value (eg: maximum one email per minute or so)?
> This could be done with a firewall-type system such as IPtables, or with the 
> connection-rate limits of a recent sendmail (presumably other MTAs as well).
> Alternatively use a Network IDS to detect massive traffic from isolated IP 
> addresses and raise an alert / throttle back that client until it's been 
> investigated?  That's probably a good thing to do anyway, since if you have 
> problems with malware-infected machines sending thousands of emails, you 
> probably get problems with other sorts of malware too, which create local 
> broadcast traffic, traffic to random IPs, port scans etc., and it would be 
> good to pick this up so the machines can be taken off the network too.
> Regards,
> Antony.

Another tool you could use to limit the number of emails is 
milter-limit.  I use it on my outgoing and incoming MailScanner servers 
and it really does a great job!

milter-limit is free.  You can find it here:


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x62252 F: 819.821.8045

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