MailScanner on RHEL 3 / CentOS 3?

Remco Barendse mailscanner at
Tue May 26 20:21:01 IST 2009

On Tue, 26 May 2009, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:

> I've been running MS, along with sendmail,
> mailwatch, SA, and clamav, on a CentOS 3.x box
> for the past 5+ years.  I see no reason to ditch
> the current setup by upgrading the OS at this
> point, and so continue to maintain this mail
> server.
> The box is running perl-5.8.0.  I've obtained most
> of the perl modules that MS uses from the Dag
> repository, which I've added the yum's list of
> repos.  These have served me well.
> I did run into an issue installing
> MailScanner-4.76.  IIRC (and this is a bit iffy,
> as 1) I was under the gun to get the server back
> to good ASAP and wasn't taking notes, and; 2) I
> burned up all but about three brain cells years
> ago), the update to 4.76 looked to also update
> various of the perl modules, causing
> incompatibilities.  To fix, I believe I made sure
> all of the latest perl modules were installed,
> then simply ran the MailScanner RPM by itself.
> Dimitri

I admire your perseverance! I didn't say it isn't possible, i just 
noticed that most of the provided perl modules will no longer build on 

Having said that, in the long run, i decided to take the plunge in the 
deep and replace the box with CentOS 5. Doing a bare metal install cost me 
2 days but trying to keep RHEL3 alive in the long run would cost me more.

And i love how clamd automatically gets updated from rpmforge instead of 
downloading and compiling by hand. Who knows, maybe now i will even have 
time to sleep :)

Thanks for sharing your solution!

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