AW: SV: Perl problems on Fedora 9 SOLVED

Anthony Cartmell ajcartmell at
Thu May 7 08:14:55 IST 2009

> Not necessarily true at all, as the Perl build system in Fedora 10 is  
> totally broken and this will be caught well before it makes it into  
> RedHat Enterprise Linux 6. They can hardly miss it :-)

It might be, but it hasn't stopped me installing MailScanner on Fedora 10  

It just needed the basic packages to be pre-installed from the Fedora  
repos (where someone has managed to build them OK) before letting  
MailScanner install any newer versions it needs.

[FWIW I've just shut down a server (not owned by me) that had been running  
FC5 until this last week. Although it was way past EOL it was still  
running quite happily :) I have another server running FC6 that is also  
quite happy, but will be upgraded soon (needs new hardware too).]


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