possible error with config due to clam upgrade

Lists lists at rheel.co.nz
Thu May 7 01:12:56 IST 2009

Anthony Giggins wrote:
>> on 5-6-2009 4:11 PM Lists spake the following:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am running MailScanner version 4.72.5 on Centos 5.2
>>> I recently attempted an upgrade to ClamAV 0.95.1
>>> Now I am getting errors in the clamd.log
>>> as example:
>>> Warning: lstat() failed on:
>>> /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/31494/MESSAGEIDISHERE/tnef.31494
>>> I asked on the clam mail list and got the response
>>> "The error really just means "file not found", but the problem is
>>> related
>>> to MailScanner and how it is using clamav, you probably have a bad
>>> MailScanner configuration."
>>> Post upgrade I had to do the following in order to get it to start up.
>>> # rename the old binaries
>>> mv /usr/local/bin/clamscan /usr/local/bin/clamscan.old
>>> mv /usr/local/bin/freshclam /usr/local/bin/freshclam.old
>>> mv /usr/local/bin/clamdscan /usr/local/bin/clamdscan.old
>>> # Create links to the new ones in /usr/local/bin
>>> ln -s /usr/bin/clamscan /usr/local/bin/clamscan
>>> ln -s /usr/bin/freshclam /usr/local/bin/freshclam
>>> ln -s /usr/bin/clamdscan /usr/local/bin/clamdscan
>>> # There was a fourth new clam binary - /usr/bin/clamconf
>>> ln -s /usr/bin/clamconf /usr/local/bin/clamconf
>>> I was wondering if anyone new of any configuration options that might
>>> effect / cause these lstat failed warnings.
>>> Prior to the upgrade clam was running fine without warnings.
>> Upgrading a source install over an RPM install can do this almost every
>> time.
>> If you have binaries in /usr/bin AND /usr/local/bin, you need to either
>> stick
>> with the RPM or the source, but not change back and forth.
> I had this same issue, I had to set the following options in MailScanner.conf
> Incoming Work User = clamav
> Incoming Work Group = clamav
> Cheers
> Anthony
Hi Anthony,

Thanks for your reply - I have checked and I believe my settings for 
these options are correct.
I am going to attempt an upgrade of MailScanner and see if it solves the 


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