Clamav 0.95

Mike M mrm at
Tue Mar 31 15:41:49 IST 2009

Jeff A. Earickson wrote:
> I have been running clamd 0.95 with 4.75.9-2 since the new clam came
> out, with no problems.
> Jeff Earickson
> Colby College

What is the best way to update clamd??   When you try to install the 
ClamAV+Spamassassin package, it says:

If you want to use MailScanners support for Clamd (virus-scanning
daemon) then I recommend you cancel this script now (press Ctrl-C)
and install the RPMs for clamav, clamav-db and clamd from

The version of clamd that's there hasn't been updated since .92. 
Where is the best place to get the latest clamd rpm and Should the 
ClamAV+Spamassassin package be updated to say so?   If rpm is not an 
option, is there anything special that needs to be done if compiling a 
newer version AFTER an rpm version has already been installed?


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