Different rules for files within archives
Scott Silva
ssilva at sgvwater.com
Fri Mar 27 22:24:34 GMT 2009
on 3-27-2009 8:36 AM Julian Field spake the following:
> This is turning into a very major job, requiring many changes throughout
> the whole of MailScanner, as the original design was never intended to
> be able to do this.
> However, I am working on it.
> The intention is that you will have totally separate settings for
> Filename Rules
> Filetype Rules
> Allow Filenames
> Allow Filetypes
> Allow File MIME Types
> Deny Filenames
> Deny Filetypes
> Deny File MIME Types
> for archived and non-archived attachments.
> You will also be able to specify what you consider to be an "archived"
> attachment, be it a file in a zip attachment, a rar attachment, an OLE
> attachment (Word doc, for example), a UU-encoded attachment and a TNEF
> (winmail.dat) attachment.
> All these settings will be on a per-message basis and so will take
> rulesets, allowing different clients to have totally different rules for
> their setups.
> That's the aim. I'm over half way through the implementation now, but
> none of it has been tested yet. There's going to be a fair bit of
> debugging required, I guarantee that. So beta-testers, on your blocks
> please... :-)
> Hopefully this will keep you all happy for a little while ;-)
> Jules
Are you going to release a stable before all these changes, or just wait until
they are done and tested?
Not pushing or anything, just curious.
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