McAfee autoupdater debugging
Glenn Steen
glenn.steen at
Tue Mar 17 08:12:39 GMT 2009
2009/3/17 Scott Silva <ssilva at>:
> on 3-16-2009 4:32 PM Scott Silva spake the following:
>> I need some clues on where to look for a McAfee updater problem on my systems.
>> One system updates fine but doesn't delete the old dats(CentOS 5.2). Another
>> system doesn't update at all, but manually running the mcafee-autoupdate
>> script does update, so it must be in the update_virus_scanner code or
>> paths(CentOS 4.7).
>> I don't see any logging done by the update_virus_scanner script.
> Never mind on the updating, it was a corrupted virus.scanners.conf, but I
> still need a clue stick on the auto deletion of the old dat files, I will read
> the code some more in the AM.
IIRC there simply is none.... Was a while since last I looked though,
so the usual memory corruption might have happened:-).
I'll take a look and see what I find. In the mean time, might one
suggest a "not-so-complex" find/cron solution?;)
-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
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