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Steve Freegard steve.freegard at
Mon Jun 29 17:19:27 IST 2009

Gerry Maddock wrote:
>>>>> At the end of the day - it's all about trust.
>>>> + not all senders treat a 450 as such.
>>>> There an $unknown_count of weird apps out there which don't requeue
> and
>>>> will silently drop a msg after a temp fail.
>>> Greylisting gives the same 450 error. Are you saying greylisting should
> not
>>> be used as best practice as well (instead use smtpd hard & soft error &
>>> sleep times)? Just wondering.
>> I don't use greylisting - never will - wouldn't recommend it
>> lots of people swear by it, its obviously up to you to balance and
> decide.
> Understood. Are you using any smtp hard/soft/error sleep times at all?
> Steve, are you greylisting?

Yes; I use greylisting (FSL's own implementation; which is a bit
different from other implementations).  I also don't use greet-pause (as
our implementation doesn't require a delay to detect pipelining) but I
do implement an exponential delay for 5xx errors; e.g. 1 2 4 8 16
seconds and I drop connections with 5 errors or more.

I don't use tarbaby (for the reasons I already gave).


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