Semi-OT: Rule2XSBody - resolved.

Randal, Phil prandal at
Fri Jun 26 15:35:40 IST 2009

Julian Field wrote:

> But does it still use the uncompiled rules if they have been replaced
> since the last sa-compile, or do we need to re-do sa-compile every
> time we update any rules anywhere?  
> Jules

In :

    if ($comprule ne $rule) {
      dbg "zoom: skipping rule $name, code differs in compiled ruleset";

After a quick test to verify the above the answer is that we don't need


That probably needs noting on the wiki.



Phil Randal | Networks Engineer
Herefordshire Council | Deputy Chief Executive's Office | I.C.T.
Services Division Thorn Office Centre, Rotherwas, Hereford, HR2 6JT
Tel: 01432 260160
email: prandal at

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