Anit-Phishing v2.00 suggestion
Anthony Peacock
a.peacock at
Thu Jun 18 09:13:56 IST 2009
Hi Julian,
Thanks, again.
Julian Field wrote:
> Good point. Fixed.
> On 17/06/2009 12:20, Anthony Peacock wrote:
>> Hi Julian,
>> These work fine, but I think I may have given you a bum steer about
>> the default value that $wget_location should have. I gave you my
>> location, but I think for most Linux distros the location would be:
>> /usr/bin/wget
>> It might more sense to have the default set to that and let weirdos
>> like me make the changes rather than have the majority of users having
>> to make changes...
>> Julian Field wrote:
>>> All done. Thanks for the suggestions!
>>> Jules.
>>> On 17/06/2009 11:12, Anthony Peacock wrote:
>>>> Hi Julian,
>>>> Installed your updated script yesterday, worked fine after adjusting
>>>> the paths as suggested. Failed to run as a cron job because my wget
>>>> is not on the restricted path the cron provides.
>>>> I know this is easily fixed in other ways, but it seems to me that
>>>> this would be easy to add as a config line at the top of the script:
>>>> wget_location = '/usr/local/bin/wget';
>>>> or somesuch. The other thing that I need to change is the command
>>>> to restart MailScanner as I use '/etc/init.d/mailscanner restart'.
>>>> Again, this is not a major problem for me to find and fix, but it
>>>> seems like this would be a fairly simple config as wel...
>>>> mailscanner_restart = '/sbin/service MailScanner reload';
>>>> Just an idea...
>>> Jules
> Jules
Anthony Peacock
CHIME, UCL Medical School
Study Health Informatics - Modular Postgraduate Degree
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