Need help with rule set

--[ UxBoD ]-- uxbod at
Thu Jul 30 10:30:10 IST 2009

Here is the scoremap you would use in Amavis aswell :-

@virus_name_to_spam_score_maps =
  (new_RE(  # the order matters!
    [ qr'^Phishing\.'                                             => 0   ],
    [ qr'^(Email|HTML)\.Phishing\.(?!.*Sanesecurity)'             => 0   ],
    [ qr'^Sanesecurity\.(Malware|Rogue|Trojan)\.' => undef ],# keep as infected
    [ qr'^Sanesecurity(\.[^., ]*)*\.'                             => 0   ],
    [ qr'^Sanesecurity_PhishBar_'                                 => 0   ],
    [ qr'^Email\.Spam\.Bounce(\.[^., ]*)*\.Sanesecurity\.'        => 0   ],
    [ qr'^(MSRBL-Images\b|MSRBL-SPAM\.)'                          => 0   ],
    [ qr'^VX\.Honeypot-SecuriteInfo\.com\.Joke'                   => 0   ],
    [ qr'^VX\.not-virus_(Hoax|Joke)\..*-SecuriteInfo\.com(\.|\z)' => 0   ],
    [ qr'^Email\.Spam.*-SecuriteInfo\.com(\.|\z)'                 => 0   ],
    [ qr'-SecuriteInfo\.com(\.|\z)'         => undef ],  # keep as infected
    [ qr'^MBL_'                             => undef ],  # keep as infected

Best Regards,

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