Multiple MailScanner instances for multiple chroot sendmail

Michael Mansour micoots at
Thu Jul 30 07:24:26 IST 2009


--- On Sun, 26/7/09, Michael Mansour <micoots at> wrote:

> From: Michael Mansour <micoots at>
> Subject: Multiple MailScanner instances for multiple chroot sendmail
> To: "MailScanner discussion" <mailscanner at>
> Received: Sunday, 26 July, 2009, 4:27 PM
> Hi,
> I'm building a HA cluster and trying to work out how to
> have multiple MailScanner instances for each cluster app.
> To describe the basic setup...
> 2 cluster nodes
> 2 cluster apps, one on each node
> Each cluster app has it's own chroot'ed sendmail (to cater
> for each cluster app handling mail and inboxes within
> itself). That all works fine and listens on the relevant
> ports on the floating IP's defined in the cluster app for
> sendmail.
> I'm now trying to get MailScanner to work with the
> chroot'ed sendmail, with the aim of having two sendmail's
> (MailScanner's) running on the same node if/when the other
> node fails the cluster app over.
> Firstly for the chroot'ed sendmail, what modifications does
> MailScanner need to know about to run the chroot'ed
> sendmail?
> Say sendmail's chroot'ed directory is:
> /chroot/sendmailn
> where n = 1 or 2 (sync'ed between nodes).
> In the chroot'ed environment, sendmail runs as a
> non-privileged user named "sendmail" and is part of the
> "mail" group.
> Starting sendmail is done using:
> # chroot /chroot/sendmailn /usr/sbin/sendmail
> Do I need to install a chroot'ed MailScanner within the
> /chroot/sendmailn tree?
> Note these run on Red Hat based EL5 series boxes. I already
> installed MailScanner on each node using MS RPM download.
> So you know, I've tried various things before emailing the
> list. In the:
> /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner
> file I changed:
> SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail
> to
> SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/chroot /chroot/sendmailn
> /usr/sbin/sendmail"
> I also changed the "Run As User = sendmail" and "Run As
> Group = mail".
> I also played with "Incoming Queue Dir" and "Outgoing Queue
> Dir" before realising this may not work without multiple
> MailScanner instances.
> Hence emailing the list.
> I appreciate any help or advice. Thank you.
> Michael.

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