WARNING: Ignoring deprecated option --unzip

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 21:49:47 GMT 2009

2009/1/24 Simon Jones <simonmjones at gmail.com>:
> Evening chaps,  gateway still running like a dog!  I've noticed in
> /var/log/maillog the following;
Do you use clamscan? That is... in MailScanner.conf you might have
"Virus Scaner = clamav"...?
That might explain why your sustem seem ... sluggish.
Since quite a while back, clamscan would be unuseable, more or less...
other than on very low volume systems, since the signature file
loading is ... costly.
Same thing with clamavmodule (each MailScanner child would spend a
while loading up the sigs, at 100% CPU, then start operating
normally... until the child restarts (normally after 4 hours)), more
or less.
The recommended way of using ClamAV, these days, is through the clamd
daemon (and Ricks perl interface:). Really slick, small memory
footprint etc. Go look in the wiki, there's some info on how to switch
to clamd there. ... and one of these days, I'll type up something on
how to do clamd with Jules package (basically make a smallish init
script, and configure cron for clamdwatch:-).

The errors you quoted (and I snipped) seem to be regarding the
clamscan wrapper/SweepViruses.pm settings for the clamscan command
line. If you don't use that... it cannot bite you:-).
Or you might need upgrade MS, I'm not sure on that though:-).

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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