Email causing MailScanner to go defunct.

Rabie Van der Merwe rvdmerwe at
Fri Jan 23 10:00:34 GMT 2009



I am running 4.72.5 on CentOS 5.2 x86_64 and have a message that seems
to be cause MailScanner processes to become defunct and restart. There
doesn't seem to be any logs related to the issue, all I get is this:

Jan 20 05:29:55 cptmgw04 MailScanner[28794]: Message A15D1A35877.3A028
from (jeld1069 at to is too big for
spam checks (493927 > 150000 bytes)


This is a spam of virus message so I'm not too concerned about the
message itself, should I get it to the list, or rather is there not some
mode I can run MS in just on this email?



Rabie van der Merwe

Infrastructure Architect



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