MS/perl segfaults
spamlists at
Thu Jan 22 23:11:50 GMT 2009
David Lee wrote:
> So suppose we continue to model this using "timestamp in a database"
> thinking, but actually store, read and process those timestamps in the
> inbound file itself. I realise that this implementation detail will
> be MTA-specific, but I think that might slot cleanly into MS's
> existing MTA-specific code. (Julian?)
Personally i think that a database (sqlite) would be more appropriate as
we DO NOT KNOW what is causing the fault - reading the file from disk
could be causing it.
As we got hit by this yesterday (unfortuately the queue didn't get saved
as a collegue resolved it as I was in hospital with my little boy :-(
). My thinking would be
record in a table a <Child PID>, <timestamp> <MSGID> when a message
batch is started. When a message is placed in the delivery queue ALL
records are deleted.
If a message gets three or more entries in the table - delay its
processing by a random ammount of time between (say 3-9) minutes
multiplied by the number of failures to try and ensure that it moves
around batches. This should ensure that the message with the faliure
should repeatedly end up in a different batch.
Benefits: Does not rely on a file timestamp - simply on the failure
count and then a random delay.
Should cope with multiple files causing failure.
Files likely to be causing failures rapidly get
backed off from processing and should ensure mail continues to flow.
Negatives: Causes valid email in a failure batch to be backed off -
however by multiply a random number should cause them to be processed in
a separate batch
Requires a database - however the cache already uses
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