email size limits

Stephen Swaney steve.swaney at
Thu Jan 22 02:53:47 GMT 2009

The most accurate and cost effective anti-spam solutions available

Kevin Miller wrote:
> 10 MB and in hindsight I wish I'd reduced it 2 MB years ago. We also 
> have FTP for the big stuff.
> What is more problematical than message size is everybody uses their 
> inbox as a document manager. Like a dummy I never put size limits on 
> the mailboxes either, and now that cat's out of the bag. Sigh...
> ...Kevin
> --
> Kevin Miller Registered Linux User No: 307357
> CBJ MIS Dept. Network Systems Admin., Mail Admin.
> 155 South Seward Street ph: (907) 586-0242
> Juneau, Alaska 99801 fax: (907 586-4500
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* mailscanner-bounces at 
> [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] *On Behalf Of 
> *Steven Andrews
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 21, 2009 1:51 PM
> *To:* MailScanner discussion
> *Subject:* OT: email size limits
> I have a client who employs a lot of consultants and we provide them 
> with an email address on the corp system and they pretty much have to 
> do everything through the corp systems; mostly terminal server. They 
> do have the ability to work offline and send the generated content 
> into the main office.
> Anyway, from time to time we get complaints from these folks that we 
> have email size limits in place even though for larger stuff we give 
> them ftp access that we can throttle. I think our limit is somewhere 
> around 10 meg right now although we tell them it’s less so we can deal 
> with the overhead they won’t understand.
> So I get an aol user today telling me what an asshat I am (which may 
> or may not be true, but for the purposes of discussion today I’m not) 
> and how much our systems suck because I have email size limits in 
> place and his email is being blocked. Of course, we never saw it in 
> our mailserver, which means he got hit with aol’s 16 meg size block, 
> but he was all talk and no listening. He then goes on to tell me about 
> “lynux” and how it’s free and better than the crap Microsoft has been 
> selling us…yadda yadda yadda; oh wait, what’s the banner on our 
> mailserver? It’s sendmail….but I digress.
> So, just for self-evaluation, what’s everyone else doing for email 
> size limits? I want to make sure we’re in the range of the rest of the 
> world.
> Thanks,
> *Steven R. Andrews*, President
> Andrews Companies Incorporated
> /Small Business Information Technology Consultants/
> sandrews at
> Phone: 317.536.1807
> "If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."
The solutions you have out into place seem very reasonable. The people 
you have to deal with don't :(

Most MTA are one size files all. If you want different limits by domain, 
sender, recipient or from and to use for sendmail or postfix (with 
milter support):

These functions are also built into BarricadeMX.

Best regards,


Steve Swaney
steve at

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