FreeBSD Port

Drew Marshall drew.marshall at
Tue Jan 13 16:21:20 GMT 2009

I have no idea if this of use to people but I have updated the port  
files for my own use and thought others might find it useful. It's not  
to Jan-Peter's standard I'm sure but it seems to function and that's  
good enough for me! Naturally all the main work is still JP's I have  
just done some hacking and tweaking to make this work for the latest  
version with the new lock files.

I'll get in touch with JP and see if he can firstly approve the new  
files and secondly (If he is happy) organise to commit the changes to  
the ports tree. In the mean time, just delete your /usr/ports/mail/ 
mailscanner directory and decompress this in it's place. cd into it  
and make as you would normally.



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