Thumbs down MailScanner Segmentation fault

Steve Freegard steve.freegard at
Tue Jan 13 12:01:09 GMT 2009

Mehra wrote:
> - Yes, I get the segfault with MailScanner --lint *and* Spam Checks with 
> SA *disabled*-
> - Yes, I get the segfault with spamassassin --lint

Ok - install 'strace' via 'yum install strace'; then run:

strace MailScanner --lint 2>&1 | tee strace.out

You'll got *lots* of output from this and hopefully you will still hit 
the segfault and it will exit.

Look at the last 20-30 lines of the strace.out and you will most likely 
see that a compiled Perl module is being loaded that is causing the 

Once you have identified the module causing the fault - attempt to 
re-install it via RPM or build it manually (do not skip the 'make test' 
phase) and see if that fixes the problem.

Kind regards,

Steve Freegard
Fort Systems Ltd.

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