OT: smtpf / BarricadeMX 2.2

Stephen Swaney steve.swaney at fsl.com
Mon Jan 12 20:46:45 GMT 2009

We very happy to announce the release of smtpf version 2.2.0 / BarricadeMX

Version 2.2 further improves the speed and accuracy of BarricadeMX and adds
these major features to an already impressive range of capabilities:

 . New anti-phishing features prevent your users from receiving or
responding to mail that contains references to known phishing mailboxes.. 

. Improved outbound message "water-marking" reduces the threat of Denial of
Service due to "bounce message" floods. 

. New options to block attachments by file extension or MIME types including
on-the-fly parsing of ZIP and RAR file contents to block file extensions
contained within archives.

. Valid senders whose mail has been blocked can white list themselves. No
support staff intervention required.

. Easily generate safe and disposable time limited email addresses

. Sophos AV has been added to the already supported AV engines: Avast,
ClamAV, F-Prot.

. New message digest DNS blacklist support - this allows for the
blacklisting of identical message bodies, attachments or viruses based on
their MD5 signature..

. SpamAssassin, when called from BarricadeMX, may now be configured to use
individual or by domain SpamAssassin preferences

A full list of the 2.2.0 new features and changes may be found at <URL>

The new BarricadeMX 2.2 user manual may be found at <URL>

Please visit the FSL web site (www.fsl.com) or contact me off-list for more
information or to arrange a free, no-hassle demonstration of how BarricadeMX
can improve your customers e-mail experience while reducing your e-mail


Steve Swaney
Fort Systems Ltd.
Office Phone: 202 595-7760 ext. 601
Cell: 202 352-3262
Steve at fsl.com


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Fort Systems Ltd.
Julian Field
Julian.Field at fsl.com

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