Refresh FreeBSD Port?

Jerry gesbbb at
Sat Jan 10 15:09:23 GMT 2009

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 07:12:12 -0700
"Dave Shariff Yadallee" <root at> wrote:


>Who knows why they are not keeping up?
>I just compiled raw and it works on the FreeBSD Boxes here.

I just checked the FreeBSD 'Makefile' for Mailscanner. There are
several 'patches' that are applied as well as PATH modifications, etc.
to the basic Mailscanner installation.

If it works for you, then fine. If it suddenly starts failing, you will
need to completely remove your custom installation and then use the
FreeBSD ports system. In fact, you would probably be better off
removing the Mailscanner port prior to installing from source anyway.
Since they install in different locations, unless you manually modified
it, it would help to avoid any unnecessary problems.

gesbbb at

The difference between dogs and cats is that dogs come when they're
called.  Cats take a message and get back to you.
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