Problem with mailscanner after upgrading to newest (filename checks)

Scott Silva ssilva at
Thu Feb 12 19:20:33 GMT 2009

on 2-12-2009 4:44 AM Jonas Akrouh Larsen spake the following:
> Hmm if it gets sanitized in the logfiles (Why would you need sanitizing
> in a log file? Crashing nano, vi or whatever seems a bit unlikely) is
> there then no straight forward way to see if Mailscanner is mistaken in
> its classification of the attachment?
Because you could get a buffer overflow into syslogd, which has a lot of
privilege to access the system. If you want to see if mailscanner is mistaken
(how could it make a mistake about how long or how many spaces are in a
filename?), look at the original message source and see what the filename is.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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