MailScanner suddenly stopped working and screwed up everything

jan gestre at
Sat Feb 7 01:31:54 GMT 2009

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Martin Hepworth <maxsec at> wrote:
> 2009/2/6 jan gestre < at>:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I've several mail servers running (postfix + dovecot + mysql +
>> mailscanner) that has been up for a long time now and suddenly it
>> stopped working one by one. It began by users experiencing bouncing
>> emails even though the user exist then it became worst, all emails is
>> now being tagged as spam even those from yahoo and gmail. I suspect
>> MailScanner might be causing the issue so I turned it off but the
>> server keep on rejecting emails because of postfix's
>> smtpd_client_restrictions rule that blocks emails if it came from an
>> ip address listed on, but after disabling that parameter
>> emails from sites like yahoo and gmail still gets blocked according to
>> postfix it's listed in sbl-xbl list, I know for a fact that this
>> shouldn't suppose to happen but it did. Anybody ever experienced this?
>> What's the workaround, I'm stumped, I have no idea why it suddenly got
>> screwed.
>> TIA
>> Jan
>> --
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> Jan
> do you pay for the spamhaus feed? If not this could be the problem..

I've read the dnsblusage from spamhaus and I'm sure the volume of
emails we're getting is nowhere near that number. Here's an info of
one of the servers:

Volume: 2000++ messages/day 4 virtual domains

Hardware: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800, 4GB RAM, 250GB Raid 5.

Software: CentOS 5, Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, PostfixAdmin, SpamAssassin

RBLs:  MTA,  MailScanner

Virus Scanners: F-Prot Anti virus

Is there's a way to uninstall MailScanner?


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