phishing.bad.sites.conf v ScamNailer

Mark Sapiro mark at
Sat Dec 19 15:55:01 GMT 2009

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Mark Sapiro wrote on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 08:36:26 -0800:
>> /usr/sbin/update_phishing_sites
> we need /usr/sbin/update_bad_phishing_sites. Unfortunately,
> it contains a bad CVS id (the same as the update_phishing_sites script).
> What happens if you run it?

Sorry, I wasn't paying close enough attention. I have attached my
/usr/sbin/update_bad_phishing_sites as update_bad_phishing_sites.txt,
but I suspect it is the same as yours.

I just ran it by hand and I got

# update_bad_phishing_sites
Reading status from /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/phishingupdate/status
Checking that
/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/phishingupdate/cache/2009-506 exists... ok
Checking that
exists... ok
I am working with: Current: 2009-506 - 0 and Status: 2009-506 - 0
No base update required

which doesn't say much. I have temporarily removed the > /dev/null 2>&1
from the command in the cron and I'll post that output when it actually

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#   MailScanner - SMTP E-Mail Virus Scanner
#   Copyright (C) 2008  Julian Field
#   $Id: update_phishing_sites 3982 2007-06-26 09:00:39Z sysjkf $
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#   The author, Julian Field, can be contacted by email at
#      Jules at
#   or by paper mail at
#      Julian Field
#      Dept of Electronics & Computer Science
#      University of Southampton
#      Southampton
#      SO17 1BJ
#      United Kingdom

use strict; 
use Net::DNS::Resolver;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use FileHandle;
use DirHandle;

# Work out Quarantine Directory from MailScanner.conf
my $base = '/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine'; # Default value
my $msconf = new FileHandle("< /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf") or warn "Cannot open main configuration file /opt/MailScanner/etc/MailScanner.conf";
while(<$msconf>) {
  $base = $1 if /^\s*Quarantine\s*Dir\s*=\s*(\S+)/;

my $current = $base . '/phishingupdate/';
my $cache = $current . 'cache/';
my $status = $current . 'status';
my $urlbase = "";
my $target= "/etc/MailScanner/phishing.bad.sites.conf";
my $query="";

my $baseupdated = 0;
if (! -s $target) {
	open (FILE,">$target") or die "Failed to open target file so creating a blank file";
	print FILE "# Wibble";
	close FILE;
} else {
      utime(time(), time(), $current); # So that clean quarantine doesn't delete it!

if (! -d $current) {
	print "Working directory is not present - making.....";
	mkdir ($current) or die "failed";
	print " ok!\n";

if (! -d $cache) {
	print "Cache directory is not present - making.....";
	mkdir ($cache) or die "failed";
	print " ok!\n";

my ($status_base, $status_update);


if (! -s $status) {
	print "This is the first run of this program.....\n";
else {
	print "Reading status from $status\n";
	open(STATUS_FILE, $status) or die "Unable to open status file\n";
	my $line=<STATUS_FILE>;
	close (STATUS_FILE);
	# The status file is text.text
	if ($line =~ /^(.+)\.(.+)$/) {

print "Checking that $cache$status_base exists...";
if ((! -s "$cache$status_base") && (!($status_base eq "-1"))) {
	print " no - resetting.....";
print " ok\n";

print "Checking that $cache$status_base.$status_update exists...";
if ((! -s "$cache$status_base.$status_update") && ($status_update>0)) {
	print " no - resetting.....";
print " ok\n";

my ($currentbase, $currentupdate);


# Lets get the current version
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new();
 my $RR = $res->query($query, 'TXT');
	my @result;

	if ($RR) {
		foreach my $rr ($RR->answer) {
			my $text = $rr->rdatastr;
			if ($text =~ /^"(.+)\.(.+)"$/) {

die "Failed to retrieve valid current details\n" unless (!($currentbase eq "-1"));

print "I am working with: Current: $currentbase - $currentupdate and Status: $status_base - $status_update\n"; 

my $generate=0;

# Create a user agent object
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("UpdateBadPhishingSites/0.1 ");
# Patch from Heinz.Knutzen at

if (!($currentbase eq $status_base)) {
	print "This is base update\n";
	$status_update = -1;

	$baseupdated = 1;

	# Create a request
	my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $urlbase.$currentbase);

	# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
	my $res = $ua->request($req);

	# Check the outcome of the response
	if ($res->is_success) {
			open (FILE, ">$cache/$currentbase") or die "Unable to write base file ($cache/$currentbase)\n";
			print FILE $res->content;
			close (FILE);
	else {
			warn "Unable to retrieve $urlbase.$currentbase :".$res->status_line, "\n";
else {
	print "No base update required\n";

# Now see if the sub version is different
if (!($status_update eq $currentupdate)) {

	my %updates=();

	print "Update required\n";
	if ($currentupdate<$status_update) {
		# In the unlikely event we roll back a patch - we have to go from the base
		print "Error!: $currentupdate<$status_update\n";
		$generate = 1;
		$status_update = 0;
	# If there are updates avaliable and we haven't donloaded them yet we need to reset the counter
	if ($currentupdate>0) {
		if ($status_update<1) {
		my $i;
		# Loop through each of the updates, retrieve it and then add the information into the update array
		for ($i=$status_update+1; $i<=$currentupdate; $i++) {
			print "Retrieving $urlbase$currentbase.$i\n";
			my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $urlbase.$currentbase.".".$i);
			my $res = $ua->request($req);
			warn "Failed to retrieve $urlbase$currentbase.$i" unless ($res->is_success) ;
					my $line;
				 foreach $line (split("\n", $res->content)) {
					# Is it an addition?
					if ($line =~ /^\> (.+)$/) {
						if (defined $updates{$1}) {
							if ($updates{$1} eq "<") {
								delete $updates{$1};
						else {
					# Is it an removal?
					if ($line =~ /^\< (.+)$/) {
						if (defined $updates{$1}) {
							if ($updates{$1} eq ">") {
								delete $updates{$1};
						else {
		# OK do we have a previous version to work from?
		if ($status_update>0) {
			# Yes - we open the most recent version
			open (FILE, "$cache$currentbase.$status_update") or die "Unable to open base file ($cache/$currentbase.$status_update)\n";
		else {
			# No - we open the the base file
			open (FILE, "$cache$currentbase") or die "Unable to open base file ($cache/$currentbase)\n";
		# Now open the new update file
		print "$cache$currentbase.$currentupdate\n";
		open (FILEOUT, ">$cache$currentbase.$currentupdate") or die "Unable to open new base file ($cache$currentbase.$currentupdate)\n";

		# Loop through the base file (or most recent update)
		while (<FILE>) {
			my $line=$_;

			if (defined ($updates{$line})) {
				# Does the line need removing?
				if ($updates{$line} eq "<") {
				# Is it marked as an addition but already present?
				elsif ($updates{$line} eq ">") {
					delete $updates{$line};
			print FILEOUT $line."\n";
		close (FILE);
		my $line;
		# Are there any additions left
		foreach $line (keys %updates) {
			if ($updates{$line} eq ">") {
				print FILEOUT $line."\n" ;
		close (FILEOUT);

# Changes have been made
if ($generate) {

	print "Updating live file $target\n";

	my $file="";

	if ($currentupdate>0) {
	else {

	if ($file eq "") {
		die "Unable to work out file!\n";
	system ("mv -f $target $target.old");
	system ("cp $file $target");

	open(STATUS_FILE, ">$status") or die "Unable to open status file\n";
	print STATUS_FILE "$currentbase.$currentupdate\n";
	close (STATUS_FILE);

my $queuedir = new DirHandle;
my $file;
my $match1 = "^" . $currentbase . "\$";
my $match2 = "^" . $currentbase . "." . $currentupdate . "\$";
$queuedir->open($cache) or die "Unable to do clean up\n";
while(defined($file = $queuedir->read())) {
	next if $file eq '.' || $file eq '..';
	next if $file =~ /$match1/;
	next if $file =~ /$match2/;
	print "Deleting cached file: $file.... ";
	unlink($cache.$file) or die "failed";
	print "ok\n";

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